
  • 网络Supply relationship;supplier relationship;supply relations
  1. 在供应关系持续的整个期间,供应商应持续为本第VIII条规定的风险办理足够的保险。

    The supplier shall , throughout the term of the supply relationship , maintain adequate insurance with respect to the risks of this VIII .

  2. 基于两级供应关系的军械战备器材存储模型研究

    Ordnance War Material-preparedness Stock Model Based on Two-class Supply Relationship

  3. 而随着与OSI(中国)终止供应关系,麦当劳在中国的大约2000多家餐厅都面临肉类供应短缺的问题。

    McDonald ` s roughly 2,000 restaurants in China suffered meat shortages after it ended its relationship with OSI China .

  4. 螺旋藻放氢与能量供应关系的初步研究

    Study on Relations of Energy Supplies and Hydrogen Evolution by Spirulina Platensis

  5. 而这种物质供应关系所对应的正是各企业间的投入产出关系。

    Moreover , the material supply relationship is corresponded to the input and output relationship .

  6. 企业供应关系的供应商专用性投资

    Specific Investment of Supplier in Buyer-Supplier Relationship

  7. 研究表明,复杂的供应关系有助于缓解系统中的牛鞭效应。

    It reveals that complex supply relationship might contribute to the mitigation of bullwhip effect .

  8. 不同穗型冬小麦品种子粒灌浆与同化物供应关系的研究

    Relationship Between Grain Filling and Assimilation Supply in Two Winter Wheat Cultivars with Different Spike Type

  9. 零售商的供应关系稳定性、信任与关系风险间的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Retailers ' Supply Relationship Stability , Trust and Relational Risk

  10. 它们希望与我们商谈建立长期、稳定、可靠的供应关系。

    What they want to talk to us about is long-term , stable , secure supplies .

  11. 基于两级供应关系的可修复航材存储策略模型研究

    A Stock Strategy Model for Restoring Air Materiel Based on the Two - level Providing Condition

  12. 不稳定、不完善的供应关系会给企业带来极大的经营风险。

    At the same time , unstable supply relationship may lead to big risks to the corporate operations .

  13. 制造业采购&供应关系中涉及大量的专用性投资。

    Strategic Sourcing The business relationships often depend on a large amount of special investment in manufacturing supply chain .

  14. 我们将着眼于供应关系的改变、成本模式和样式转变等。

    Issues and aspects that will be looked at are changing supplier relationships , cost patterns and paradigm shifts .

  15. 构建生态工业共生网络中各企业间的原料供应关系又是建立生态工业共生网络的关键所在。

    Building the enterprises supply relationship of raw materials is the key point of construction of Eco-Industrial Symbiosis Network .

  16. 移动网络建设服务商和移动通信运营企业之间表现出了一种需求与供应关系。

    Motion network construction service business and between the mobile communication operation enterprise displayed one kind of demand and the supply relations .

  17. 介绍了供应关系的三种类型,分析了供应联盟的主要优势和适用的交易环境。

    The authors introduce three types of supply relationship , and analyze the main advantage of supply alliance and the suitable environment .

  18. 当既有的资源能力与海外的经营环境相匹配,且契合双方在厂商海外营运的策略目标时,该重建的供应关系可能真正为合作双方创造双赢。

    When resource ability and overseas environment agree with overseas tactics goal of operation , the rebuilt relation may really create win-win for the two sides concerned .

  19. 本文主要描述了三方调拨业务中的供应关系和调拨规则、单据的转换规则、以及审批工作流的设计和实现。

    This paper describes the design and implantation of supply relationship and move business , transform rules of bills , audit workflow in move business among three parts .

  20. 该部分详细回顾了国内外学者对机会主义、管理控制以及战略供应关系资本的研究成果,并进行了评述。

    This part minutely reviews the domestic and foreign scholars on the research results of the opportunistic , management control and strategic supply relationships capital , and comments .

  21. 作为信息技术行业中特殊群体的系统集成企业如何进行供应关系管理,成为企业面临的一个重要问题。

    As a special group in information technology trade , how to carry out the supply relationship management , has been an important problem to system integration enterprise .

  22. 本文通过推理的方法,探讨了当厂商生产基地外移时,如何重建其母国的供应关系。

    With the reasoning method , the paper discussed how to rebuild the supply relation of its home country when the production base of the manufacturer is moved outside .

  23. 随着经济的飞速发展,供应关系管理的作用越来越重要,成为决定企业竞争力的关键因素。

    With the rapid development of economy , the supply relationship management becomes more and more important , which has been the key factor in the competitive power of enterprise .

  24. 一方面,很多企业只是对采购业务流程在一定程度上进行了管理,并未上升到对采购供应关系进行管理的高度。

    On one hand , many enterprises only manage the procurement process but not raise it to a high level . The managers should coordinate the relationship between procurement and supply .

  25. 第一章是文章的理论部分,介绍国际收支与货币供应关系的理论,分析了外汇储备影响国内货币供应的一般原理。

    This thesis is organized as following six chapters : Chapter one outlines the relationship between balance of payment , foreign exchange reserve and the amount of money supply in theory .

  26. 在分析精益生产条件下的供应关系的基础上,制定了基于精益生产的供应商评价体系,并用模糊综合评价法对供应商进行评价。

    On the basis of analyzing supply relationship in lean production , sets up the supplier evaluation system based on lean production , and evaluates the supplier with the fuzzy synthetical evaluation method .

  27. 基础货币供给、银行同业拆借利率的变动与利率市场化改革&我国银行同业拆借利率与基础货币供应关系的实证及其含义

    Basic Money Supply , Change of Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Market Oriented Reform of Interest Rate : the Experimental Analysis of Relationship between Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Basic Money Supply and Its Meaning

  28. 然而,复杂不确定的顾客需求、复杂的供应关系、复杂的生产工艺流程等因素给供应链系统的动态运作与管理增添了难度。

    Nevertheless , a lot of factors , such as complicated uncertain demand , complicated supply relationship , and complicated manufacturing process , bring challenges for the operation and management of supply chain systems .

  29. 在提起与供应商有关的破产申请,或在供应关系长期中断的情况下,供应商亦应移交工具。

    The supplier 's obligation to turn over the tools shall apply also in case of an insolvency application with respect to the supplier and in cases of long term interruptions of the supply relationship .

  30. 本文主要是运用交易成本理论和社会交换理论来对机会主义、管理控制以及战略供应关系资本进行相应的解释,并在前期论述的基础上提出研究假设。

    This thesis is the use of transaction cost theory and social exchange theory interpretation of opportunistic , management control and strategic supply relationships capital , and hypotheses on the basis of the discussion in the preliminary .