
  1. 浅谈淠河总干渠大桥水中桩施工

    On underwater pile construction of Weihe main trunk canal bridge

  2. 合肥至武汉铁路防洪评价淠河总干渠特大桥输水影响分析

    Influence of the Hefei-Wuhan Railway Bridge across the Pihe Canal on Water Transferring

  3. 文章对淠河总干渠工程老损成因进行分析,提出一些工程加固措施和防治对策。

    The ageing cause of the Pi River General-channel is analysed , the ways to deal with the reinforcement of project are given .

  4. 淠河总干渠老损成因分析及防治对策淠河河道淤积与六安市的防洪设计标准

    On ageing cause of the Pi River General-channel and countermeasures Deposit of Pihe river course and standard of flood-prevention design of Lu'an city
