
  • 网络supply vessel;Supply Boat;AHTS;OSV
  1. 93米多功能海洋平台供应船的噪声与振动控制

    Noise & Vibration Control of 93m Platform Supply Vessel

  2. 概括地介绍了93米平台供应船的主要技术指标,重点论述噪声与振动控制设计的理论计算,同时在实船航行试验时所作的噪声与振动测试情况作了说明。

    The general technology performance of the 93m platform supply vessel is introduced in this paper , focus on abstract calculation for control of noise vibration , at the same time the testing result for the noise vibration during ship 's sea trial is described .

  3. 他派了十个人去修理供应船发动机的齿轮。

    He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engines of the tender .

  4. 我们的供应船就停泊在那儿。

    Our tender was berthed there .

  5. 负责所有海上后勤支持,如:供应船、守护船以及生产作业人员的运送等;

    Responsible for offshore logistics support , such as transportation of tenders , stand-by vessels and personnel engaging in production ;

  6. 本文的研究重点就是针对某动力定位供应船,设计一个理想的动力定位控制器。

    The main content of this paper is to design an ideal dynamic positioning controller for a dynamic positioning supply ship .

  7. 须为本规例所规定的每项导航设备装设,供应船上维修所需的特别工具及设备,以及在原订航程期间相当可能需要的备件。

    For each navigational equipment installation required by these regulations there shall be supplied such special tools and equipment as are necessary for shipboard maintenance and such spares as are likely to be required for the duration of the intended voyage .

  8. 整机电力供应由船上发电机通过固定于固定基座内的电缆传输至吊机。

    The crane is mounted by bolts to the flange of the pedestal on the ship 's generator through inside of the pedestal .

  9. 沿岛水产供应我们船上餐桌许多美味的鱼,鳍鱼、鲤鱼、乳白鱼,以及好几种属于鳗鱼类的海蛇。

    Its waters supplied excellent fish for the tables on board : mackerel , bonito , albacore , and a few varieties of that sea serpent named the moray eel .