
  • 网络Supply Theory;Theory of Affordance;Supply-Side Theory
  1. 马克思的有效供给理论研究

    Research on the Effective Supply Theory of Marx

  2. 马克思的有效供给理论是全面建设小康社会的重要理论基础。

    The effective supply theory of Marx is important theory base of constructing well ? Off society all ? Round .

  3. 从需求理论到供给理论及其启示

    From Theory of Demand to Theory of Supply and The Implications

  4. 加总技术视角的公共物品自愿供给理论:研究进展

    Theory on Voluntary Provision of Public Goods Based on Aggregation Technology

  5. 外生与内生货币供给理论研究述评

    Review of the Exogenous and Endogenous Money Supply Theoretical Research

  6. 对旅游供给理论的几点探讨

    A Study on Several Elementary Subjects of Tourism Supply

  7. 马克思的有效供给理论与和谐社会的构建

    Marx 's Theory of Effective Supply and the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  8. 内生货币供给理论的回顾与展望

    Theory of Endogenous Money Supply : Retrospect and Prospect

  9. 制度供给理论述评&经典理论演变与国内研究进展

    Review on the Researches about Institutional Supply Theory

  10. 内生货币供给理论及其货币政策述评

    A Review of the Theory of the Endogenous Money Supply and the Monetary Policy Based on it

  11. 西方国家城市公共服务设施供给理论及研究进展

    The Progress of the Theory and Research on the Supply of Urban Public Service Facilities in Western Countries

  12. 制度变迁历来是新制度经济学的重要命题,而制度供给理论则是制度变迁理论的重要组成部分。

    Institutional supply theory is an important component of institutional change theory and one of core propositions of new institutional economics .

  13. 马克思的有效供给理论对于我国经济转轨时期企业的经营行为和政府的宏观经济政策的制定具有启示作用。

    It is much of enlightening significance to the actions of the enterprise 's management and macro economic policy of the government .

  14. 商业银行经营管理理论发展史上的预期收入理论、负债管理理论和超货币供给理论都促进了个人金融业务的发展。

    Expected income theory , liability management theory and super money supply theory all provide support for the development of PFS business .

  15. 按照微观经济理论,技术要素的供给理论和需求理论是技术要素定价的基础。

    According to micro economic theory , the supply and demand theory of factor technology is the base of the pricing of factor technology .

  16. 义务教育有效供给理论的提出,对促进我国义务教育均衡发展具有积极意义。

    The suggestion of theory of the effective supply of compulsory education possesses active meaning for the advancing of balance development of Chinese compulsory education .

  17. 新古典经济学的效用劳动供给理论隐含假设:工人为实现效用最大化可自由选择工作时间,不受劳动市场制度的影响。

    In the utility theory of labor supply of the neoclassic economic regime , for utility maximization workers have full freedom to choose their working hours .

  18. 从理论上看,公共物品供给理论、委托代理理论以及第三方治理理论等理论都为政府向社会组织购买公共服务提供了支撑。

    Theoretically , the public goods provision theory , agency commissioned theory , as well as third-party governance theory has laid the foundation for the practical application .

  19. 马克思的有效供给理论主要包括三个方面,即商品有效供给的必要前提、社会总产品的有效供给和出口产品的有效供给。

    The theory mainly includes three parts , e.g. the necessary prerequisite of effective supply , effective supply of social total products and effective supply of export products .

  20. 从房地产经济基本概念出发,对房地产市场供给理论、需求理论和供需平衡理论以及供需预测理论等将进行系统的总结和研究。

    Starting from the basic concepts of real estate economy , this part systematically summarized the real estate market theory , demand and supply and demand balance theory and so on .

  21. 正是在这种背景下,内生货币供给理论才越来越受到金融理论界与政策制定者的高度重视。

    Just under this circumstance , the theory of endogenous money supply has began to draw more and more attention from the trade of financial theory and those who enact policies .

  22. 从基本的供给理论出发,建立了土地供应对住房供应影响的分析模型,并以北京市为例,进行了实证研究。

    Based on the supply theory , the paper constructs a housing output determinant model with the effect of land supply , and does an empirical study taking the case of Beijing .

  23. 本文对内生货币供给理论及其政策主张进行了全面的回顾与分析,并着重介绍了当代新凯恩斯主义的内生货币供给理论和货币政策。

    The paper reviews the theory of the endogenous money supply and the monetary policy based on the idea , and the New Kynesism endogenous money supply and its policy are discussed particularly .

  24. 本文对供给理论研究的基本轨迹、建立供给经济学的历史背景、供给经济学的研究对象、研究内容及其研究方法等问题进行了探讨。

    It researched on the Basic track of the theory of supply , the background of establishing economics of supply , the object , contents and modes of economics of supply snd so on .

  25. 继而阐述了进行土地整理的相关理论内容及在该领域的主要应用,包括土地经济供给理论、可持续发展理论、人地协调理论和景观生态学理论;

    Second , four theoretical basis about land arrangement were elaborated , including the land economic supply theory , the sustainable developement theory , the coordinate theory between man and land and the landscape-ecology theory .

  26. 对比较具有代表性的公共物品供给理论进行综述,其中着重对理论在我国农村的适用性进行探讨,从而为本文的研究提供理论依据。

    Presents an overview of the current relatively representative theories on public goods supply , of which emphasizes review of theory in our rural applicability for this paper were discussed , which provide the theoretical basis for this thesis .

  27. 政府购买是基于公共选择理论、公共物品多元供给理论、福利多元主义理论、新公共管理理论和新公共服务理论的一种新型的政府供给公共服务的方式。

    Government Purchase of Service Contracting ( GPSC ) is a new style of service provision that is based on Public Choice theory , the theory of New Public Management ( NPM ) and the theory of New Public Services .

  28. 第二部分阐述了银行零售业务的界定及分类,介绍了商业银行零售业务相关理论研究,包括预期收入理论、超货币供给理论、商业银行营销理论和客户管理理沦。

    The second part elaborates retail banking business , introduces the definition and classification of commercial bank retail business related theory research , including expected revenue theory , super money supply theory , commercial bank marketing theory and Customer Management theory .

  29. 本文在述评外生与内生货币供给理论研究的基础上指出:我国的货币供给不但具有一定的外生性,而且内生性的特点也日益明显。

    This text is on the basis of the review of the exogenous and endogenous money supply theoretical research , point out : The money supply of our country is not only exogenous , but also is endogenous obviously day by day .

  30. 本文重点论述了当代劳动经济学在劳动力需求理论、劳动力供给理论、人力资本理论、劳动力市场信息不对称理论、隐性和约理论、工会理论以及劳动经济学与宏观经济理论的关系等方面的最新演进。

    This article focuses on economic theories concerning demand of laborers , supply of laborers , human capital , imbalanced information in the labor market , implicit contract theory , trade union , and relations between economics of labor and macroeconomic theories .