
ɡònɡ shuǐ shè bèi
  • Water supply equipment;water service
  1. DBS系列集成泵站供水设备,能够自动调节以满足用户的用水要求。

    This DBS intergrated booster station can adjust the flow automatically according to the demand of the line network .

  2. 自动喷水灭火系统气压供水设备容积计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Pneumatic Facility Volume of Sprinkler System

  3. 大工厂供水设备的自动控制与管理系统

    A Computerized Automatic Control and Management System for Large Scale Water Supply Facilities

  4. 无负压供水设备技术分析

    Technical analysis on non-negative pressure water supply facility

  5. 水力过滤器安装运输方便,可作为抗灾救灾紧急供水设备。

    The hydraulic filter system is convenient to transport into devastated regions to supply water .

  6. 农村变频恒压供水设备在人饮解困工程中的应用

    The application of countryside frequency conversion constant pressure water supply equipment in man-drinking difficulty relief engineering

  7. 微污染水源水资源化及便携式生活饮用水供水设备研究

    Researches to Make Little Polluted Water Useful and the Drinking Water Supplying Equipment Conveniently to be Taken Along

  8. 结合变频供水设备的应用现状,从节能角度介绍了变频供水设备的主要功能特点,并对几种变频供水设备的应用选型及其控制方法进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces its mainly function characteristics and discusses several water-supplying equipments ' selection and control method .

  9. 无负压(叠压)供水设备在高层建筑中的应用

    Does not have the Negative Pressure ( to fold presses ) the Feedwater Equipment in High-rise Construction Application

  10. 变频供水设备在小区的应用从而使小区的管理智能化、自动化。

    Application of variable-frequency speed equipment on water supply in uptown This system can make uptown management more intelligent and automatic .

  11. 是实验仪器,供气、供水设备,工业过程压力显示和控制等的理想选择。

    Ideally suited for Experiment Instrument , Air and Water Supply Equipment and Display and Control of Pressure in the Process , etc.

  12. 深圳市信洲供水设备有限公司是一家专业从事供水设备设计、制造、销售、技术服务为一体的公司。

    We have strong technical strength , and a group of elites to design and manufacture the most excellent water supply system .

  13. 利用该系统可以降低电厂的能耗,可对各分散供水设备进行保护、监控,进一步提高了电厂供水系统的自动化程度。

    This paper introduces a control system that consists of industrial computer and PLC for controlling and monitoring waterworks of thermal power plant .

  14. 但是全自动变频供水设备对于规模较小的管网这种供水方案的经济性能很好。

    However , automatic frequency of water supply equipment for the smaller pipe the water supply scheme of economic performance is very good .

  15. 提出了合理选用成套变频调速供水设备需注意的问题和进行核算的方法。

    The matters for attention and method to check out in selecting the complete sets of water supplying equipment with frequency controlled pumps are proposed .

  16. 全自动变频供水设备直接供水型,就是直接利用市政管网的压力直接供水。

    Automatic frequency of water supply equipment direct water-supply type , is the direct use of the municipal pipe network pressure to supply water directly .

  17. 用变频器生产的恒压供水设备,对于企业提高经济效益、节能降耗、提高设备技术含量、安全、稳定运行具有很好的促进作用。

    The constant pressure Equipment with inverter is widely used because of its running safety and stable and also for economic benefits of enterprises and energy conservation .

  18. 本文对管网叠压供水设备中的倒流防止器和气压罐等器件的应用情况进行分析。

    This paper analyzed the application case of the components such as anti-backflow equipment or air-pressure tank that using in the pipe network add-pressure water supply equipment .

  19. 作者和同事们共同研制了大工厂供水设备的自动控制与管理系统,并已在实际中得到运用。

    This paper describes a multi-loop , multi-object Direct Digital Control ( DDC ) system which allows computerized automatic control and management system to be used for large scale water supply facilities .

  20. 对管网漏损的控制,不仅可以节约供水设备,降低供水成本,还能减少水资源的浪费,保护环境。

    Controlling the leakage of water distribution can not only save the water supply equipment , reduce the cost of water supply , but also reduce the waste of water and protect the environment .

  21. 因此,进一步发挥水利工程效益,提高供水设备运行的准确性和可靠性,改善管理人员的劳动条件,已成为当前的一项迫切任务。

    Therefore , it is urgent to exert the benefit of Water conservancy engineering , to increase the accuracy and security of the running of water supply equipment and to improve the working conditions of managers .

  22. 介绍了微机变频给水设备的几种结构型式和施工安装方法,并与传统压力罐供水设备进行比较,证明新设备具有应用推广价值。

    This paper introduces several structure forms and construction installation method of computer transduce water works , compares it with the traditional pressure pot water works and proves the new works that has application and development value .

  23. 针对农村供水设备现状,设计开发了模糊控制变频恒压供水系统,重点分析设计了模糊控制系统,隶属度函数的设计以及控制规则的建立。

    According to the actuality of water supply equipment , frequency conversion , constant pressure with fuzzy control system was design in this paper . It analyses the constitution of control system design , attaching angle function and control regulation .

  24. 该设备克服了气压供水设备的庞大罐体和占地面积大、投资高、安装难度大等缺点,实现了农村饮水工程的高科技与高品质,是目前较理想的农村供水设备。

    This equipment surmount the demerits of huge body , large scale of occupying , high investment , high difficulty degree for equipment and any others . It realize the high technology and quality countryside drinking engineering and is an ideal countryside water supply equipment .

  25. 利用动态规划原理,对供水设备更新与设备投资问题进行多阶段规划,并编制了程序,从而为本钢供水设备有选择、有目的的更新和投人提供了可靠的理论依据。

    In the last part , taking advantage of the theory of dynamic programming , we make multistage programming as to equipment replacement and equipment investment of water system and work out the procedure , which provide reliable theoretical proof for water equipment replacement and equipment investment .

  26. 某商住楼供水工程设备方案选择和节资分析

    Equipment selection & scheme analysis for a commercial building 's water supply retrofit re-engineering project

  27. 多功能室外工业消火栓是一种集消防炮和室外地上消火栓功能于一体的消防供水专用设备。

    Multifunction outdoor fire hydrant for industry is special equipment for fire-fighting water supply , which integrates the function of water monitor and the hydrant .

  28. 其余各供水管及设备基本上安然无恙。

    All other service piping and equipment were essentially intact .

  29. 我们将同联合国和其它国际非政府组织一道,提供水、卫生设备、食品和住所。

    We will work with the UN and other international non-governmental organizations to provide water , sanitation , food and shelter .

  30. 随着企业经营体制改革的不断深化,对供水企业的设备管理也提出了更高的要求。

    As reforms in the management system of enterprises , the high demands are proposed for the equipment management of water supply enterprises .