
ɡònɡ fānɡ
  • supplier;provider;supplying party
  1. Internet环境下的供方协同商务关系管理系统

    Management system of supplier collaborative commerce relationship on internet

  2. 这是提供方,即可以从其他计算机调用的Web服务。

    This was a provider , a Web service that could be called from other computers .

  3. 单击“New”创建新的JDBC提供方。

    Click'New'to create a new JDBC provider .

  4. 中国目前是菲律宾第四大廉价资金提供方,位居日本、亚行和世界银行(worldbank)之后。

    China is now the Philippines ' fourth biggest provider of low-cost funds after Japan , the ADB and the World Bank .

  5. 随着Web服务应用的迅速发展,Web服务提供方的安全问题已成为制约其实际应用的主要障碍之一。

    With the rapid development of the Web services applications , the Web services security issue has emerged as one of obstacles in business applications .

  6. 以Android应用为例,显然不是一个Web应用,但同样可以使用SpringSocial来连接服务提供方。

    An Android application , for instance , is not a web application , but may use Spring Social to connect to a provider .

  7. IBM没有声明与其它JSSE提供方的互操作性。

    IBM makes no claim of interoperability with other JSSE providers .

  8. 连通性提供方代表一个ESB,其中代理了很多组服务。

    A connectivity provider represents an ESB which groups of services can be proxied in .

  9. 基于JIT方式下单一供方和单一需方总成本的研究

    Approach to Total Cost between Single Vendor and Single Buyer in the JIT

  10. 讨论了Web服务提供方的安全问题,通过对Web服务调用方式的分析,为Web服务的提供方设计了安全模型。

    The security problem of the web Service provider is discussed . Through the analysis of the service transferring mode in web Services , a security model for the service provider is introduced .

  11. 提出了改进的服务描述、查找和集成过程,利用基于合同网的交互协议规范的服务提供方、中介服务和服务用户3方协作,实现了面向服务质量的交互式Web服务选择。

    Subsequently , improved service universal description , discovery and integration process with QoS considerations were proposed . QoS oriented interactive Web service selection was realized through the contract-net-based collaboration of service consumer , service provider and service broker .

  12. 服务提供方是指由icann认可的争议解决服务提供机构。

    Provider means a dispute-resolution service provider approved by ICANN .

  13. 该计划还应该表明,提供方是否提供了备份服务和SLA,以及它是否遵守数据隐私法律。

    The plan should also indicate whether the provider offers both back up services and SLAs and whether it complies with data privacy laws .

  14. 在ISO9002质量管理体系中对采购分供方的选择与管理

    Selection and Management of Sub-supplier in ISO 9002 Quality Management System

  15. 第三,建立起一套适合JY公司的供方质量管理体系,内容包括:新供方的开发、合格供方的管理、供方的激励体制、供方的质量风险防范约束等。

    Thirdly , establish the perfect system of supplier quality management for JY company .

  16. 在SCM的环境下,库存管理出现了许多新的问题,这就需要相应的新的库存策略来加以解决,本文所要研究的货存供方的库存管理策略,就是在这种背景下产生的。

    There are a lot of new problems for inventory management under the circumstance of SCM . Therefore , a new inventory policy is required to solve these problems .

  17. 最后,以JY公司的二个供方为例说明如何运用供方质量管理体系。

    Finally , how to use the system of supplier quality management at JY company .

  18. 引入模糊数学方法,提供柔性QoS支持;综合考虑网络提供方和用户的双方利益,采用微观经济学和博弈论方法,找到网络提供方和用户的双赢解。

    In order to support flexible QoS , fuzzy method is adopted , and to consider both network service providers and users , microeconomics and game theory are used to achieve " double win " .

  19. 在实际应用中,服务提供方、服务使用者、服务质量等诸多因素的不确定性在分布式、松耦合、灵活、动态的Web服务环境中引发多种可信问题。

    In practical use , the uncertainty of many factors such as service providers , service users , quality of service and other factors , can cause a variety of trustworthiness problems in the distributed , loosely coupled , flexible and dynamic web services environment .

  20. OAI注册服务器提供了数据提供方和服务提供方基本信息的发布平台。

    An OAI registry provides a platform for data and service providers to release their basic information .

  21. 本文介绍大连大显公司深入贯彻ISO9000标准、开展材料分供方评定的做法及所取得的成果。

    The article talks about Dalian DaXian Company how to implement ISO 9000 standards thoroughly and do well sub - contractor assessement , as well as its achievements .

  22. 以下步骤将配置WESB使其能作为连通性提供方服务器与SFM一起工作。

    The following steps will set WESB up to work as a connectivity provider server with SFM .

  23. 供方是否提供RFQ文件包中的“要求的质量信息”清单中列出的所有信息?

    Has the supplier provided all information listed in the Required Quality Information letter as outlined in the RFQ package ?

  24. 用户们必须清楚,使用便捷的免费服务需要付出相应代价,无论服务提供方是互联网服务公司还是facebook等社交网站。

    Users must be aware that there is a price to be paid for the convenience of free services , whether with a web service provider or a social networking site , such as Facebook .

  25. 类似地,WESB和WMBV7都可以用作连通性提供方服务器。

    Similarly , WESB and WMB V7 can both be used as the connectivity provider server .

  26. 您可以使用WESB和/或WMB作为连通性提供方。

    You use either WESB or WMB or both as a connectivity provider .

  27. 毛坯的供方()和塑料件供方()不能提供PPAP。

    The rough supplier () and the plastic parts supplier () can not supply the PPAP .

  28. 统计过程控制(SPC)方法是汽车行业供方建立有效的制造过程控制系统,以求更高效和经济的生产出符合要求的产品的利用统计技术进行过程控制的质量管理方法。

    Statistical process control ( SPC ) is a method that supplier of mobile maker to set up effective manufacture process control system , in order to produce efficiently and economically .

  29. 在基于合作博弈的JIT批量模型中提出了供方JIT生产方式和需方JIT采购方式的理念。

    We also propose that the JIT purchase ways of buyer and the JIT production ways of the solder on the based of JIT batch models based on cooperation of game theory .

  30. 按照ISO9000标准要求,结合本企业实际,摸索出一套适合本企业的分供方审核评定方法并严格拟行,是企业提高产品质量的确实保证。

    According to the requirement of ISO9000 standards and the business situation , find out a set of evaluate methods and carry out it strictly is the assurance to improve product quality .