
wèn xīn
  • examine one's conscience
问心 [wèn xīn]
  • [examine oneself] 反省、检查自己的良心

  • 我已尽全力,即使失败,我也问心无愧

  1. 我问心有愧,睡不着觉。

    I had a guilty conscience and could not sleep .

  2. 但是如果我去睡的话我会问心有愧的。

    But if I go to bed , then I 'm gonna feel guilty .

  3. 自己问心有愧,无需别人责备。

    A guilty conscience needs no accuser .

  4. 坦率的;直率的坦诚的充分讨论坦率承认问心有愧他对自己和那位女演员的关系直言不讳。

    a full and frank discussion a frank admission of guilt He was very frank about his relationship with the actress .

  5. 她那么慈惠地把我们从小带大,我为不能分担母亲的工作而问心有愧。

    I feel guilty that I cannot share the responsibility with my sick mother who has brought us up so well .

  6. 一开始,我就尽力而为,我干的事没一桩是问心有愧的。

    I have worked my best from the first of the movement and I have done nothing that I am ashamed of .

  7. 他忍受不了这样一种联想:剩下他一个人和母亲呆在一起,在他自己和他的问心有愧的爱之间什么东西也没有了。

    He could not endure the thought of being left alone with his mother , with nothing whatever to put between himself and his guilty love .

  8. 他出售这台机器时知道它有毛病,困此他拿这钱是问心有愧的。

    He knew the machine was faulty when he sold it so he accepted the money in had faith . I am having some trouble with the carburetor .

  9. 哥哥的马,而不是威洛比的马,我会觉得更不恰当,那才问心有愧呢。我对约翰很不了解,虽然我们在一起生活了许多年;但对威洛比,我早就有了定见。”

    I should hold myself guilty of greater Of John I know very little , though we have lived together for years ; but of Willoughby my judgment has long been formed . "