
  • 网络rights of the child;children's rights;Children’s Rights;Rights of Children
  1. 新法案把保护儿童权利置于首位。

    The new bill puts the rights of children first .

  2. 儿童权利得到有效保护。

    The rights of children have been effectively protected .

  3. 你对儿童权利问题感兴趣有多久了?

    How long have you been taking an interest in children 's rights ?

  4. 位于盖思斯维尔的佛罗里达大学菜文法学院的法律技能教授斯泰西·斯坦伯格说:“作为儿童权利的倡导者,我们认为,如果可能的话,儿童应该对于哪些与其有关的信息可以进行分享拥有发言权。”

    " As advocates of children 's rights , we believe that children should have a voice about what information is shared about them if possible , " says Stacey Steinberg , a legal skills professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville .

  5. 同时她还在拥有1800万粉丝的ins上呼吁签署保障儿童权利的请愿书。

    She also called on her 18 million followers on Instagram to sign a petition to protect children 's rights .

  6. 多年来,美国一直拒绝批准联合国《儿童权利公约》(CRC),人们认为这反映了美国的虚伪和霸道,因而为世人所指责。

    The U.S.has been denounced for several years for refusing to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child ( CRC ) .

  7. 无锡市流动儿童权利保护体制研究

    Study on the System of Floating Children Rights Protection in Wuxi

  8. 媒介产品和儿童权利的保护;

    How to protect children from unhealthy influence of media products ;

  9. 第二部分:《儿童权利公约》关于儿童权利保护的精神。

    Part Two : the spirit of Children ' Right Convention .

  10. 第二部分,儿童权利的概念。

    The second part is the concept of child 's rights .

  11. 谈儿童权利保护与教育

    On the Protection of Children 's Rights and Their Education

  12. 加勒比议员儿童权利问题座谈会;

    Caribbean parliamentarian Symposium on the rights of the child ;

  13. 儿童权利委员会同非政府组织联络干事

    Committee on the Rights of the Child / nongovernmental organization liaison officer

  14. 伯利兹儿童权利行动承诺

    Belize Commitment to Action for the Rights of the Child

  15. 儿童权利公约草案工作组

    Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child

  16. 非洲儿童权利与福利宣言

    Declaration on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child

  17. 大众传播媒介中的儿童权利保护问题研究

    A Study on the Protection of Children 's Rights in Mass Media

  18. 亚洲-太平洋少年司法和儿童权利训练班

    Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on Juvenile Justice and the Rights of the Child

  19. 儿童权利的国际保护与我国的具体实施

    Child Right : the International Protection and China 's Practice

  20. 新闻报道与儿童权利的保护;

    How to protect children 's rights in news coverage ;

  21. 国际争取儿童权利记者俱乐部;

    International Club of journalists for children 's rights ;

  22. 儿童权利公约执行情况委员会

    Committee on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

  23. 非政府组织儿童权利公约问题特设小组

    Ad Hoc NGO Group on the Convention on the Rights of the Child

  24. 对家庭中儿童权利保护的调查与思考

    The Investigation and Reflection about the Protection of the Child Right in Family

  25. 为此,首先我们要分析流浪儿童权利保护的法理基础。

    Therefore , firstly we need to study and analyse the legal principle .

  26. 《儿童权利公约》与世界教育:理念与现实

    Convention on the Rights of the Child and World Education : Conception and Reality

  27. 妇女、儿童权利的保护

    Protection of the Rights of Women and Children

  28. 论儿童权利保护与少年犯罪

    The Protection of Children 's Right and Teen-ager 's Crimes and Their New Countermeasures

  29. 比如儿童权利组织以及致力于发展的非赢利性组织。

    These include children 's rights groups and non-profit groups that deal in development .

  30. 热爱儿童权利事业,良好的人际沟通,善于团队工作,有较强的协调能力;

    Commitment to child rights , good interpersonal skills , coordinating ability and team spirit ;