
  1. 他在孩子们的儿童房墙壁上画上了画。

    He has painted murals in his children 's nursery .

  2. 看似随意的条状色带给这个儿童房涂上了个性色彩。

    Playful painted stripes give character to a teen 's room .

  3. 美国饭店发展的新趋势&儿童房

    New Trend of US Hotel Development : Children 's Room

  4. 无器质性心脏病儿童房性心动过速的射频消融治疗

    Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial tachycardia in children without structural heart disease

  5. 对儿童房进行装修时,要参照孩子的活动特点来进行。

    Housing renovation of children , in the light of the characteristics of the activities for children .

  6. 儿童房的设计,首先要考虑儿童天真烂漫的特性。

    The design of children room , want to consider the character with childlike children above all .

  7. 儿童房墙贴的首要要求就是环保,其次才是风格。

    Children 's room wall stickers are the primary requirements of environmental protection , followed by the style .

  8. 他们本来在家里给孩子准备了一间儿童房,而现在他们却得筹备一场葬礼。

    They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby now they plan a funeral .

  9. 儿童房的设计充满乐趣、多姿多彩,顶楼主卧室的设计则是充满着暧昧的私密气氛。

    The kid 's bedrooms are fun , exciting and colourful and the parent 's garret is necessarily moody , sexy and private .

  10. “内部建筑”包括的功能区主要有:入口、客厅、餐厅、厨房、卧室、儿童房以及浴室等。

    It consists of entrance , living room , dining room , TV , air conditioner , kitchen , bedrooms , children 's room and bathroom , etc.

  11. 儿童房作为儿童生活和学习的主要场所,对儿童身心的健康成长起到关键作用。

    Children room as children to live and study of the main places in children , the healthy growth of the body and mind to play a key role .

  12. 作为父母你是在家中只有一个孩子,而不是一个完整的儿童房谁拥有不同的个性的了解许多不同的方式。

    As a homeschool parent you are in charge of only one child , not a room full of children who possess different personalities that learn in many different ways .

  13. 发现这块占卜板的壁橱在一个好像曾做过儿童房的卧室,墙上贴着壁纸,上面画着小小的宇宙飞船,它们正冲向外太空。

    The closet that they found the board in was in a room that looked as though it was used for a child . There was wallpaper with little spaceships blasting into outer space on it .

  14. 如果你想要打造一个快乐、舒适的环境,“儿童房的装修非常重要。”48岁的那莫瑞图通过翻译这样表示。

    If you 're trying to create a happy , comforting environment , " the decoration of a child 's room is very important , " said Ms. Innamorato , 48 , speaking through an interpreter .

  15. 有很多宝宝的父母将为新居和宝宝的房间装修而忙碌,环境污染和儿童房的安全问题是首先要注意和解决的问题。

    A lot of parents will baby and the baby 's new home decoration and busy rooms , environmental pollution and the safety of the children is first necessary to pay attention to and solve the problems .

  16. 于是,她溜到楼上的儿童房内。正打算冲到床上时,她从镜子里看到了一个灰头土脸,破衣烂衫,头发凌乱,圆圆的鼻头上粘着泥巴的丑陋生物。

    so Betty slipped upstairs to the nursery and was going to whisk into bed , when she saw in the glass an ugly black creature , all rags and dirt , with rumpled hair , and a little round nose covered with mud .

  17. 12例儿童三房心的外科治疗

    Surgical correction of cor triatriatum in 12 children

  18. 目的探讨骨囊肿内注射甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠治疗儿童单房性骨囊肿的疗效。

    Objective To explore the curative effects of methylprednisolone sodium succinate on unilocular bone cysts in Children .

  19. 方法对7例儿童巨大单房性骨囊肿在C臂X光机监视下经皮穿刺抽尽囊液后注入自体骨髓和异体骨粉。

    [ Methods ] 7 cases of giant unicameral bone cysts in children were reported , The treatment included percutaneous aspiration of fluid in the bone cyst and injection of autologous bone marrow and allogeneic bone powder .

  20. 结果:中药穴位敷贴与西药组从24小时Hotter结果看,成人组和儿童组中,房早组和有室早组都有明显疗效(P<0.01);

    Results There were significant therapeutic effects for the change of Hotter in the group of acupoint-application of Chinese drugs and the western medicine group , or the adult and child groups , and the atrial premature beat and ventricular beat groups ( P < 0.01 );

  21. 让儿童远离白血病,防止儿童房装修污染!你或许正生活在危险的房子里

    For children to stay away from leukemia , the decoration pollution prevent children ! Maybe you are living in dangerous house