
  • 网络Children English;PLAYWAY TO ENGLISH
  1. 儿童英语教学与心理学

    On Teaching Children English and Psychology

  2. 浅析儿童英语教学

    Analysis on Teaching of Children English

  3. TPR在中国儿童英语习得中的运用

    The Use of TPR in English Acquisition of Chinese Children

  4. 本论文根据实际教学需求,基于.netFramework4.0技术,采用VISUALSTUDIO2010平台进行开发,设计并实现了儿童英语培训教学软件。

    In order to satisfy the requirements of practical teaching , the paper designs and realizes the Child English Teaching Software with . Net Framework 4.0 technology and Visual Studio 2010 platform .

  5. 母语在儿童英语教育中所起的作用

    The Function of Mother Tongue in the Children 's English Education

  6. 学生需从所阅读的故事中,择一改写为儿童英语剧本。

    Students are required to rewrite one story into a play .

  7. 儿童英语教学,平等,听先于说,游戏。

    Children English-teaching , Equality , Listening before talking , Games .

  8. 小学汉语儿童英语口语产出形式的发展

    The Developmental Trends of Chinese Children 's Oral English Output Forms

  9. 结论:汉语儿童英语障碍的儿童左、右半球抑制干扰刺激的能力较差,大脑两半球之间有较强的相互干扰。

    Two hemispheres increases in the Chinese children with English reading disorder .

  10. 基于范畴化的教学设计在儿童英语词汇教学中的运用

    Application of Categorization-based Instructional Design to Child English Vocabulary Teaching

  11. 儿童英语教学原则及模式探究

    Research into principles and patterns of teaching English to children

  12. 儿童英语学习风格比较

    The Comparison of Learning Styles between Two Child English Learners

  13. 汉语儿童英语口语词汇与阅读学习的关系

    The Relation between Vocabulary and Reading in English Learner of Mandarin-speaking Children

  14. 儿童英语中的空主语:一种语法现象?

    Null Subjects in Child English : A Grammatical Phenomenon ?

  15. 如何促进儿童英语口语能力的发展?

    How do parents encourage their kids to develop their oral English ?

  16. 儿童英语教学全身反应法研究

    A Study of the Total Physical Response in Children 's English Language Acquisition

  17. 满足社会需求开拓儿童英语教育新专业

    Establishing a New Speciality to Meet the Social Needs

  18. 中国儿童英语词汇学习中的负迁移

    Chinese Children 's Negative Transfer on English Vocabulary Learning

  19. 尽快提供适合西部少数民族地区儿童英语浸入式教学的各类教材。

    Supply appropriate English immersion teaching materials for children in undeveloped minority nationality areas .

  20. 儿童英语学习者过渡语研究

    A Study of Child EFL Learners ' Interlanguage

  21. 外国教师与中国教师教授儿童英语之对比分析

    A Comparative Study of English Teaching to Children by Chinese Teacher and Foreign Teacher

  22. 这也为儿童英语词汇教学与学习提出了新的要求。

    It also puts forward new requirements about child English vocabulary teaching and learning .

  23. 汉语儿童英语阅读障碍者大脑两半球功能特征的变化

    A Study on Characteristics of Cerebral Hemispheres in Chinese Children with English Reading Disorder

  24. 3-6岁汉语儿童英语语音意识的发展特征的研究

    Research on the Character of Phonological Awareness of Children Aged from 3 to 6

  25. 浅谈儿童英语教育

    Preliminary Exploration of Children 's English Education

  26. 因为我们不仅仅专注儿童英语,同时还专注成人英语。

    Because we have schools focused on kids and we have schools focused on adults .

  27. 汉语儿童英语语音特征内隐与外显学习的比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Chinese Children 's Implicit and Explicit Learning of English Phonological Traits

  28. 汉语阅读障碍儿童英语阅读中的眼动特征

    Experiment Studies on the Eye Movement of Chinese Children with Reading Disorder during English Reading

  29. 家长们错误地以为儿童英语起点低,对办学者素质要求不高。

    Parents think that starting of children 's English is low , teaching quality was ignored .

  30. 关键字母法对中国学习不良儿童英语词汇记忆的作用(英文)

    The Effect of Mnemonic Key-letters Method on Chinese Children at Risk in English Vocabulary Learning ;