
xǐ dí shè bèi
  • washing equipment
  1. 包钢2~高炉环缝洗涤设备的安装调整

    Installation and adjustment of ring gap washing equipment of Baogang No. 2 Blast Furnace

  2. 本实用新型涉及一种洗涤设备上的门锁装置,它包括门锁把手部分及门锁底座部分。

    The utility model relates to a door lock device on a washing equipment , including a door lock handle part and a door lock base part .

  3. 在化学品氧化铝4A沸石生产中针对分离、洗涤设备,初次选用移动盘式真空带式过滤机获得成功。本文对其结构特点和使用效果进行了阐述。

    The removable vacuum belt filters were selected as separators and washers in production of 4A zeolite for the first time , and the result was good .

  4. 本实用新型属于洗涤设备类。

    The utility model belongs to the class of washing appliances .

  5. 其次,总结了洗涤设备产品在营销上的一些特征;

    Thirdly , the author sums up the marketing characteristics of laundry products ;

  6. 学校里有洗涤设备吗?

    Are there washing facilities in the school ?

  7. 洗涤设备、油污清洁设备、润滑油、清洁剂等。

    Washing machinery , oil stain cleaning machinery , lubricating oils , and cleaning agents , etc.

  8. 1825年,卡露丝洗染坊诞生。“上海露丽洗涤设备有限公司”依靠专业热情周到的服务,赢得消费者的信任。

    In1825 , Colors Laundry came into being and earned consumers'trust through professional , enthusiastic and considerate services .

  9. 以严格的品管落实产品的高稳定性,为客户提供洗涤设备产品的需求和解决使用上的技术问题。

    We provide highly stable products by strict quality control as well as service regarding Epoxy Flooring products and solve technological problems of our customers .

  10. 一种洗涤设备包括支撑部件、电池和连接至支撑部件的支架。

    The utility model relates to washing equipment which comprises a support component , a battery , and a bracket connected to the support component .

  11. 第二章,首先,着重介绍了洗涤设备的生产、输送和分配等过程的特征,并对这些过程中的一些要求也顺便给予了说明;

    Chapter ⅱ: Firstly , the author introduces characteristics of laundry equipment on production 、 transportation 、 distribution and specification of the requirements in these courses .

  12. 国内首家推出调频调速、电脑编程、悬浮减震及中文人机对话的先进洗涤设备,更将公司的产品推向更高的境界。

    It makes the company to a higher level for its first channel-and-speed-changing technology , computer programmer , concussion-reduced by float and communication between human and machine in Chinese .

  13. 本文对YL-12.5型全自动立式压滤机的结构、工作原理及在氰化厂中作脱水与洗涤设备使用效果作了介绍。

    In this paper , the various aspects of YL-12 . 5 full automatic pressure filter ( vertical type ), such as structure , working principles and result of using it as dewatering and washing equipment are introduced .

  14. 讨论了工业洗衣机的互联网接入技术,以水洗机为例,建立新的控制模型,给出模型中基本参数和基本概念的定义,并指出洗涤设备传感器技术中应注意的问题。

    Discussions are given to the access of industrial cleaner with the Internet . Control model of industrial wet cleaner is established and definitions are given to its basic control parameters and conceptions , while the problems are pointed out about the sensor technology in cleaning devices .

  15. 重钙装置改产磷铵反应与尾气洗涤系统设备出现的问题

    Issues occurred in reaction and tail gas scrubbing systems of transforming TSP plant into DAP

  16. 转炉烟气洗涤污泥脱水设备的应用分析

    On Application of Sludge Dewatering Facility for the Exhaust Quench Water of Converter

  17. 完善洗涤水工艺设备保证高炉煤气质量

    Improvement of Apparatuses for Washing Water Process to Guarantee Gas Quality of Blast Furnaces

  18. 须提供充足的洗涤和盥洗设备,包括热冷水、肥皂或去污剂、烘干器或一次性毛巾。工作区域须具备方便和清洁的盥洗设备。

    Adequate washing facilities shall be provided , including hot and cold water , soap or detergent , air driers or single-service towels , and clean toilet facilities easily accessible to working areas .

  19. 但是,产生HFC-23气体的化工厂,可以使用一种名为洗涤塔的简单设备来减排。

    But chemical factories producing the HFC-23 gas can reduce their emissions using a simple piece of equipment called a scrubber .

  20. 海洋设备:惰气发生器的洗涤装备,潜水设备;

    Marine Equipment : scrubbers for inert-gas generators , submerged equipment .

  21. 过滤洗涤干燥多功能设备的开发与应用

    Development and applications of a combined filtration-washing-drying apparatus

  22. 如果可用的餐具室不与餐厅直接相通,应提供充足的餐具柜和洗涤餐具的适当设备。

    Where available pantries are not accessible to mess rooms , adequate lockers for mess utensils and proper facilities for washing utensils should be provided .

  23. 本产品是制浆造纸厂粗浆洗涤系统的主要设备,供洗涤纸浆及提取废液用。

    This product is the main equipment of the washing system of unscreened pulp in pulping and paper making factory which is used for pulp washing and waste liquor extraction .

  24. 基于当前国内制浆造纸行业废纸处理中对浆料的洗涤和浓缩现状,在现今洗涤和浓缩设备的基础上,自行开发和研制了具有国际先进水平的高速洗浆机。

    According to the actuality of the washing and condense to the pulp in the pulp and paper industry of our country , on the bases of the present washing and condensing equipment , we have developed the high speed pulp-dresser .

  25. 双辊挤浆机是集洗涤、脱水、置换和压榨于一体的洗涤设备,具有较高的出浆浓度和提取率。

    The double roll press is a washing equipment which assembles washing , dehydration , substitution and press with high pulp concen-tration and extraction yield .

  26. 广涤宾图洗涤机械厂勇于开拓不断采用新的、先进的科学技术,使国内洗涤设备性能、质量得到了提高。

    The company depends on modern technique to develop and using high-tech production to shorten the gap with modern countries .