
  1. 个人收入增加了——这是“洗具”;

    Individual incomes are growing -- that 's the xiju ;

  2. 所以,生活是杯具还是洗具?

    So , is life a beiju or xiju ?

  3. 80后及90后的聊天记录中也出现了各式各样的关于“杯具,洗具”的讨论。

    There 's a whole range of beiju vs xiju debates running across the post-80s and post-90s ' online talk .

  4. 借用中国最流行的网络语录“人生就是一个杯子,而它是‘杯具’还是‘洗具’,全由你自己选择。”

    China 's most popular online slang terms is that one popular choice could be " Life is a cup , it 's up to you to decide whether it 's a drinking cup or a toothbrush cup . "