
  1. 希腊神话传说的文化背景初探

    A study of the cultural background of Greek myths and legends

  2. 圣火,起源于古希腊神话传说。

    The Olympic flame derives comes Prometheus , an ancient Greek god .

  3. 关于希腊神话传说中的一些人名和地名的译法

    On the Translation of Some Names of Characters and Places in Greek Myths and Legends

  4. 第五章则在前四章的基础上,对古希腊神话传说所体现的希腊先民价值观进行了归纳和总结。

    In chapter five the author summarizes the values that ancient mythology and legend reflect .

  5. 希腊神话传说虽是对现实一种幻想的反映,但是毕竟曲折地表现了那个时期的社会现实。

    The Greek myths and legends are a reflection regarding fantasies as reality , however , these myths and legends have represented the social reality at that time .

  6. 黄金时代是古希腊神话传说中人类发展史的第一纪,代表着人类美好的生存方式。

    In Greek myths and legends , the ″ Golden Age ″ is the first age in human history , which represents the beautiful life style of human beings .

  7. 希腊神话传说的绝大部分重要内容都在叙写复仇主题,可以说,除掉了与复仇因素密切相关的部分,希腊神话传说的内容也所剩无几了。

    Most of the important contents of Greek myths and legends relate the topic of revenge , it is to say , except for the part of describing revenge only a little of Greek myths and legends can be left .

  8. 从女性主义的视角来看,古希腊神话和传说是站在男性中心的立场上书写出来的。

    From female 's perspective , the ancient Greek myths and legends are made by the man-centered society .

  9. 圣托里尼火山喷发时还没有可靠的文字记录,但它似乎启发了许多希腊神话和传说,包括米诺斯文化的失落和亚特兰蒂斯的衰亡。

    This eruption occurred before reliable record-taking was introduced , but seems to have inspired a number of Greek myths and legends , including the loss of the Minoans and the fall of Atlantis .

  10. 希腊的神话和传说是古代希腊优美艺术产生的土壤和哲学形成的温床;

    The mythology and legend of Greece are the soil and hotbed of grecian fine art and philosophy ;

  11. 古希腊的神话和传说塑造了一系列具有冒险精神的英雄形象,这些文学形象折射出了西方人热衷冒险的文化特质。

    Greek myths and legends create a series of heroic images with adventure spirit , reflecting the cultural characteristics of the western people 's zeal for adventure .