
  1. 希望游戏出来这么久了,可以打折出售。

    Want the game to come out so long , you can sell at a discount .

  2. 如果希望游戏可长时间盈利不仅仅要加入可鼓励重玩的元素或者功能。

    Keeping a game rewarding for a long period of time is more than just adding some replay incentives or ability .

  3. 我不希望游戏玩家后悔他们花在玩游戏上的时间,那都是我鼓励他们花的时间。

    I don 't want gamers to regret the time they spent playing , time that I encouraged them to spend .

  4. 玩家希望游戏中的角色能拥有更丰富的动作及行为来表现自身,但是实现这一目标会面临很多困难,需要更多的骨骼动画绑定到每一个模型上,这意味着巨大的工作量。

    Players want roles in game to own vivid movements by which they can show themselves better . However , this goal faces too many troubles and needs more skeletal animations binding every model , which means enormous work .

  5. 在这篇文章里我想着重讨论有关网络游戏策划方面的知识(单机游戏设计也适用),希望游戏制作方面的专业人士也积极参与,并提出宝贵意见。

    In this dissertation I 'd like to discuss mainly about the knowledge of online game scheme ( applying to single game design too ) and I hope that specialists in game making could take part actively and propose good ideas .

  6. 索尼希望这款游戏能吸引那些初次接触电视游戏的玩家购买PS3主机。

    They hope the game will trigger purchases of PS3s by first-time game players .

  7. 哈里王子同样被卷入了争论之中,他曾表示希望Invictus游戏明年能在英国举行,最好是在格拉斯哥市(该市位于苏格兰)。

    Prince Harry was also caught up in the debate when he said he hoped the Invictus Games could be held in the UK next year possibly in Glasgow .

  8. 这种感受非常独特,这也是我希望在游戏中传达给各位的。

    That feel is very unique , and that 's something I wanted to introduce in the game .

  9. 在着手实施潜在的并购前,企业领导人希望知道游戏规则。

    Corporate chiefs want to know what are the rules of the game before embarking on potential mergers and acquisitions .

  10. 罗布,25岁,现在正在设计电脑游戏,他希望这个游戏可以同时拥有全世界大量玩家。

    Rob , 25 , is designing computer games that he hopes will be played simultaneously by masses of people around the world .

  11. 这对于我们来说太糟糕了,因为我们都希望开始游戏而不是告诉朋友和继续发关于他的帖子。

    This sucks for us , because we all want game to start instead of telling friends about it and making posts about it .

  12. 保证玩家可以完成游戏:没有什么比玩家希望继续游戏但是又无法明白应该怎么做而更加带来挫折感了。

    Make sure the person CAN play : nothing is more frustrating than wanting to keep playing but not realizing how to do something that is necessary .

  13. 视频效果给人印象深刻,音响效果是高水平的,然而我发现一些小缺点,希望在游戏上市之前修正。

    Visually the game is impressive , the sound is top notch however the few flaws I noticed I hope can be ironed out before the game ships .

  14. 这样,设计团队希望在游戏进程中将情节更加巧妙的融入世界背景而不是总要人为的打断。

    In this way , the design team hopes to more subtly fill in the fiction of the world more intuitively without resorting to artificial breaks in the gameplay .

  15. 虽然俄罗斯方块已经度过了30岁生日,但罗杰斯表示,这家公司已经制定了计划,希望这款游戏能够在下个30年延续它的辉煌。

    While Tetris has reached its third decade this year , Rogers says plans are in place for it to continue thriving way beyond even the next 30 years .

  16. 电子游戏强大的吸引力,引起了教育者的关注。教育者希望借用游戏形式,为学生营造一种愉悦的学习环境,使他们沉浸其中,真正达到寓教于乐,在此背景下教育游戏应运而生。

    With strong appeal , electronic games attract educators , who hope students to immerse in the joyful learning environment from games , and to enjoy the fun of true study .

  17. 工会房屋是制作小组希望加到游戏中去的,但是现在他们不认为工会房屋会出现在游戏发行的时候。

    While guild housing is something that the development team wants to add to the game , at this time , they don 't believe it will be ready at the time the game ships .

  18. 不管怎么说,那些希望最短游戏装载时间的人可能需要玩PC版了,因为它在本作中几乎不存在。

    Either way , those looking for the best load times will probably want to go with the PC version , as they 're almost non-existent .

  19. 安全漏洞让索尼陷入相当尴尬的境地——因为索尼希望将PlayStation游戏机定位为能够通过互联网提供电影和音乐的娱乐中心,而不仅仅是电子游戏。

    Sony 's security breach is particularly embarrassing because it wants to position its PlayStation console as an entertainment hub capable of delivering films and music over the internet , in addition to video games .

  20. 我希望他留在游戏中直到厌恶游戏为止。

    I want him in the games until he dies playing .

  21. 我希望通过这些游戏来传授文化。

    I 'm hoping that I 'll teach culture through these games .

  22. 索尼寄希望于这款游戏来推动电视游戏突破核心玩家市场(这类玩家主要是热爱动作游戏的年轻男性),同时创造一种以自然探索为主题的新游戏类型。

    The electronics giant is hoping the game could lead to a new genre of nature-exploration games .

  23. 第一个模组的目的在于引导,希望大家在游戏的道路上获得更多的乐趣。

    The goal of the first module is to set things in motion and hopefully have a good time along the way .

  24. 我们希望跟踪各个游戏中的转轮位置,但是其余则非常简单。

    We want to keep track of the wheel positions from play to play , but the rest of the exercise is pretty simple .

  25. 然后,他们会向每个数据包添加15字节并花时间计算,因此你可能希望限制部署游戏使用量。

    However , they add up to15 bytes per packet and take time to compute so you may wish to limit usage to deployed games only .

  26. 周一晚,马丁在艾美奖红毯上接受了媒体《Variety》的采访,希望《权力的游戏》能有第13季。

    In an interview with Variety on the Emmys red carpet Monday night , author George R.R. Martin said he could have seen the show going on for a whopping 13 seasons .

  27. 我希望这小小的游戏不会让你出大汗淋漓吧。

    I hope our little game isn 't causing you to perspire .

  28. 而真相是你希望能够赢得的游戏。

    Truth is a game you play to win .

  29. 当他们推出一部电影时,基本上都希望有一款游戏和它搭配。

    When they launch a movie , they generally want a game to go with it .

  30. 希望不只是玩游戏,或者想着参加下一场聚会。

    Hopefully it was not just hanging out playing video games or looking for the next party .