
  • 网络Hill College;Forest Hill College;Oakhill
  1. 而伊克塞尔希尔学院只有小学部才是男女合班。

    And Excelsior is only co-educational in the primary section . "

  2. 它们的规模也很大——伊克塞尔希尔学院有两千名学生,桑戈塔则是一千名。

    They were also big - Excelsior had over 2000 pupils and Sangota had 1000 .

  3. 我祖父在莫比尔的斯普林希尔学院教授音乐达40年之久,深受学院师生的热爱和敬重,他的工资却几乎不够维持一大家人的生活。

    My grandfather had taughtmusic for nearly forty years at Springhill College in Mobile and , though much beloved and respected in the community , earned barely enough to provide for his large family .

  4. 我祖父在莫比尔的斯普林希尔学院教授音乐达四十年之久,深受学院师生的热爱和敬重,他的工资却只能勉强维持一大家人的生活。

    My grandfather had taught music for nearly forty years at Springhill College in Mobile and , though much beloved and respected in the community , earned barely enough to provide for his large family .