
  • 网络General Store;general merchandise store
  1. 我们可以从当地的综合商店提供物资供应。

    We can supply the goods from our local general store .

  2. 两家杂货店,一家综合商店就是当地商业的全部内容了。

    Two grocery shops and the general store are the sum total of local commerce .

  3. 里根的父亲是一个综合商店的经理,一个四海为家的酒鬼。

    His father was a general-store manager , a drinker and a drifter .

  4. 现时,日本的主要服装零售渠道包括私家牌子服装专门店、大型综合商店及百货公司。

    Currently , the major apparel retailers in Japan are spas , general merchandise stores and department stores .

  5. 他设立了一个综合商店买卖的名义下,孙返陇那里他提供治疗许多疾病和疾病。

    He established a general store trading under the name of Sun Mow Loong where he offered treatment for many diseases and ailments .

  6. 这些措施综合起来将西尔斯商店能耗降低了将近三分之一,节省电费4万6千美元。

    Taken together , these changes helped the Sears store reduce its building energy consumption by neary one-third and cut electric bills by $ 46000 .