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  • 网络CityVille Hometown
  1. 他出生于1944年,在加利福尼亚州莫德斯托(Modesto)的一处核桃园农场上长大,年轻时的卢卡斯并未明显展现出能使他定居在或者走出籍籍无名的家乡小镇的特质。

    Born in 1944 and raised on a walnut ranch in Modesto , California , the young Mr Lucas had no evident qualification to live down or move beyond that humbly named home town .

  2. 很多新工厂出现在我的家乡小镇上。

    Many oew factory have spring up in my home town .

  3. 我的爸爸是我们家乡小镇上的一位基层干部3。

    My father is one member of cadre of my hometown .

  4. 夏天我的家乡小镇比这里更热。

    It is hotter in summer in my home town than it is here .

  5. 尔后,还没有意识到自己在做什么,我就拨通了家乡小镇的接线员,说,“樱芙美心·葡丽丝”。

    Then , without thinking what I was doing , I dialed my hometown operator and said , " Information please . "

  6. 丧失了爱情、事业和高尚情操的迪克带着疲惫不堪的身心回到家乡小镇默默行医。

    Losing his love , career and noble personality , Dick , who is exhausted both physically and spiritually , goes back to his hometown alone .

  7. 梅利尼琴科说网上兼职平台的出现意味着他不用从家乡小镇扎波罗热(Zaporizhia)搬到基辅去。

    Mr Melnichenko says the arrival of online freelance platforms has meant he doesn 't have to move to Kiev from his home town of Zaporizhia .

  8. 几天后,一位来访者从奥利弗家乡的小镇来到了伦敦。

    A few days later , a visitor arrived in London from Oliver 's home town .

  9. 致任何惧怕独自旅行会带来危险的人:记得你自己在家乡的小镇或者城市出行的时候,也一样可能(但希望不要)很容易被抢劫或者袭击。

    To anyone who fears that traveling alone invites danger , remember that you could ( but hopefully won 't ) just as easily be robbed or assaulted when getting about alone in a town or city at home .

  10. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家“中央街道炸鱼吧”的薯条里某种神秘的配料。

    Locals wrylysuggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl 's home town of Deal , Kent , which contributed to her success , or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar 's chips .

  11. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家中央街道炸鱼吧的薯条里某种神秘的配料。

    Locals wryly suggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl 's home town of Deal , Kent , which contributed to her success , or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar 's chips .