
  • 网络Yitong;EASY;cmseasy;segm;EATON;Mima
  1. 我打电话到酒店,跟路易通了话。

    I rang the hotel and spoke to Louie

  2. 易通科技(公司)目标市场分析与战略研究

    Target Market Analysis and Strategy Study to YiTong Science & Technology Corporation

  3. 易通输入法多版本多系统安装软件设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Multiple Versions and Multiple System Installation Software about Yitong Input Method

  4. 易通网是在现代易货贸易的基础上,开发的一个全新的面向企业的易货交易平台。

    Yi tong website based on modern barter trade is a new platform of barter trade which faces company .

  5. 在此基础上,分析公司的业务需求,讨论内容管理系统的功能,确立公司网站群管理和世易通会员服务定制管理的主要流程。

    Then business requirements and system functions are discussed , and website group management and service customization procedures are finalized .

  6. 详细介绍了改进的挖掘算法在易通网中实现,及其挖掘结果在系统中的可视化展示。

    Details of the improved network mining algorithm is implemented in the Yitong website , and its mining results in the visual display system .

  7. 在此基础上,运用最新的薪酬设计理论与方法,对易通公司进行薪酬体系设计,力图使公司有限激励资源发挥最大作用,最大限度的调动员工的积极性。

    Based on the above analysis , the new compensation and benefit system is designed to make full use of thelimited resources to maximally improve employee enthusiasm .

  8. 这是我在广州时不可不备的“羊城通”卡,类似咱的“易通卡”用来打巴士和地铁,不过听说有些“的士”也接受“羊城通”卡。

    This is the stored value transit linked card that allowed me to roam around Guangzhou , accepted on bus , metro and some taxis as well .

  9. 公司在金融投资领域也有不俗的业绩:1997年入股易通典当行,成为该行大股东之一。

    In1997 , the corporation made a breakthrough in the area of finance investment , by investing in the Yitong Pawning Corporation , and becaming one of its largest shareholders .