
  • 网络Ibrahim;Anwar Ibrahim;Mohammed Ibrahim;Mohamed Ibrahim
  1. 美国国家安全顾问苏珊赖斯(SusanRice)表示,奥巴马将不会与易卜拉欣会面,但可能有其他层面的接触。

    Susan Rice , the US national security adviser , said that Mr Obama would not meet Mr Ibrahim , but that there could be engagements at other levels .

  2. (财富中文网)易卜拉欣是教育技术公司Coursera的商务总监。该公司主营大量的在线课程。

    Lila Ibrahim is the Chief Business Officer of Coursera , an education technology company that offers massive open online courses .

  3. NPR的莉拉·法德尔报道称,之前逮捕到易卜拉欣的言论都是假的。

    NPR 's Leila Fadel reports that in the past , claims of his capture were proven faults .

  4. 第一个建筑是易卜拉欣叔叔的房子

    The first building was the house of Uncle Ibrahim .

  5. 于是易卜拉欣就离开了,不一会儿便从深度的恍惚中醒过来。

    With this Ibrahim departed and soon after awoke from his trance .

  6. 易卜拉欣的脸谱网主页发布消息称该声明是假的。

    Ibrahim 's Facebook page said the reports were false .

  7. 易卜拉欣承认由于两个重要因素这个治国名录并非完美无缺。

    Ibrahim admits the Governance Index is not perfect for two important reasons .

  8. 不,尊贵的夫人,易卜拉欣叫道。

    " Nay , noble lady ," exclaimed Ibrahim .

  9. 达乌德.易卜拉欣据信是印度的头号通缉犯。

    Ibrahim is considered India 's most wanted man .

  10. 易卜拉欣叔叔是一个非常热情的人

    Uncle Ibrahim is such an enthusiastic person .

  11. 伯利恒商人易卜拉欣.萨拉赫说,旅游的商机给巴勒斯坦经济注入了活力。

    Bethlehem businessman Ibrahim Salah says it is a boost to the Palestinian economy .

  12. 易卜拉欣在亚的斯亚贝巴的记者会上公布了他的第二次年度名次名录。

    Ibrahim unveiled his second annual index at a news conference in Addis Ababa .

  13. 易卜拉欣辩称,家族持有企业控股权有利有弊。

    Mr Ebrahim argues that there are positive and negative effects of families holding controlling stakes .

  14. 易卜拉欣表示,在股价下跌后,亚洲股市估值也达到了吸引人的水平。

    Valuations are also reaching attractive territory following the falls in share prices , says Mr Ebrahim .

  15. 易卜拉欣是代表伊总统萨达姆在会议开幕致辞中作上述表示的。

    Ibrahim made such statement in his opening speech for the meeting on behalf of Iraqi President Saddam .

  16. 几个月过去了,易卜拉欣准确无误地每日得到安拉许诺的食品。

    Months passed , and Ibrahim continued to receive the food that Allah had promised with unfailing regularity .

  17. 易卜拉欣叔叔总是在阳台上散步,当我在喷绘时他会和我聊天

    Uncle Ibrahim was always hanging out on the balcony and talking to me while I was painting .

  18. 自去年黎波里沦陷后,易卜拉欣便藏了起来,行踪不明。

    Since the fall of Tripoli last year , Ibrahim went into hiding and his whereabouts were unknown .

  19. 这是易卜拉欣非洲国家治理名录所发现的情况。这个名录每年把撒哈拉以南的非洲国家根据治国质量来进行排名。

    Those are the findings of the , an annual ranking of sub-Saharan African nations according to quality of governance .

  20. 声明称,易卜拉欣在首都以南40英里左右的塔尔胡纳地区被捕。

    The statement said Ibrahim was captured in the town of Tarhouna , some forty miles south of the capital .

  21. 星期一晚上,卡扎菲的发言人易卜拉欣说,这位前领导人仍在利比亚,易卜拉欣本人目前也在藏匿中。

    Late Monday , his spokesman Moussa Ibrahim , also on in hiding , said the former leader remained in Libya .

  22. 但是易卜拉欣博士和他的同事也指出,虽然做家务也是体力劳动,但是并没有证据显示这种活动有益身体健康。

    But Ebrahim and his colleagues said although housework requires physical activity it does not seem to have any health benefits .

  23. 有传闻说易卜拉欣一世仅仅因为心情不好就下令将280名宫女活活淹死。

    Ibrahim I is even said to have ordered all 280 members of his harem drowned just for the heck of it .

  24. 易卜拉欣表示,有一群人对亚洲股市的影响力日益增强,他们就是对冲基金经理。

    One group of people having an increased impact on stock markets in Asia are hedge fund managers , according to Mr Ebrahim .

  25. 苏丹出生的大资本家易卜拉欣在坦桑尼亚一个新闻发布会上称,许多非洲国家面积太小,不足以继续独立存在。

    Many African states are too small to continue to exist independently , Sudan-born magnate Mo Ibrahim has told a conference in Tanzania .

  26. 易卜拉欣讲述了他到这里来的原因,精灵装模作样地拿出至为关切的神气。

    Ibrahim acquainted him with the reason for his presence there , at which the Jinn assumed an air of the greatest concern .

  27. 我们欢迎像沙特阿拉伯国王易卜拉欣的不同宗教间的对话,我们欢迎像土耳其领导层的不同文明联盟。

    That is why we welcome efforts like Saudi Arabian King Abdullah 's Interfaith dialogue and Turkey 's leadership in the Alliance of Civilizations .

  28. 联合国秘书长的缅甸事务特使易卜拉欣.甘巴里说,他预计不久就会重新访问缅甸。

    The United Nations Secretary-General 's special adviser for Burma says he expects to return to the country " sooner rather than later . "

  29. 易卜拉欣表示,库萨在上周请了“病假”,获准前往邻国突尼斯接受治疗。

    Mr Ibrahim said Mr koussa had been granted " sick leave " last week and allowed to travel to neighbouring Tunisia for medical treatment .

  30. 但之后利比亚政府发言人穆萨?易卜拉欣否认了这一说法,称政府绝对不会对自己的人民使用这样的武器。

    The claim was then denied by government spokesperson Ibrahim Moussa , who said the government would absolutely not use these weapons against its own people .