
  • 网络e-commerce center;e-commerce hub
  1. 本报告还根据衡钢电子商务中心功能的需求对其采用的技术进行规划,既采用开放性较好的Java技术来实现。

    Third , according to the functions the project expects to realize , this report elaborates on the planning for the technology , Java , which is relatively more open .

  2. 中国国际电子商务中心

    China International Electronic Commerce Center

  3. 香港已经发展成为全球电信中心,新加坡已经发展成为电子商务中心而印度已经发展成为电脑软件开发中心。

    Hong Kong has developed into a regional telecom hub , Singapore an electronic commerce hub and India a computer software development hub .

  4. 中国国际电子商务中心是国家商务部直属事业单位,主营业务是为方便国内外贸易而建立电子商务平台。

    China international electrical center ( CIEC ) belong to commerce ministry which set up a electrical business wet to domestic and overseas trade .

  5. 第二步是在商务部中国国际电子商务中心推动、帮助和支持下,建立企业功能强大的的自助网站;

    The second step is to build self-service web site of enterprises with the help , support and promotion of China International Electronic Commerce Center ;

  6. 周三,一家审理跨境贸易案件的法庭在中国东部浙江省省会杭州的电子商务中心成立。

    A tribunal for handling cases related to cross-border trade was on Wednesday in the e-commerce hub of Hangzhou , capital of east China 's Zhejiang Province .

  7. 真诚希望中国人保财险公司来肥投资,将区域电子商务中心放在合肥,我们将提供最优的政策和最佳的环境。

    Wu sincerely invited PICC to invest and set up its regional e-business center in Hefei , and he promised to provide most favorable conditions for them .

  8. 高效的B2C电子商务配送中心在提高顾客的满意度和企业的核心竞争力方面发挥着重要作用。

    The high efficiency of B2C e-commerce distribution center plays an important role in improving customer satisfaction and the core competitiveness of company .

  9. 中国电子商务研究中心(Chinae-BusinessResearchCentre)主任曹磊表示,中国80%的销售仍然在线下进行,因此电商集团收购实体店的趋势现在“非常稳固,很可能会延续下去”。

    Cao Lei , director at China e-Business Research Centre , said 80 per cent of China 's sales were still made offline and the trend of ecommerce groups buying physical stores was now " very firm and likely to continue . "

  10. 基于有线电视宽带网的电子商务模型中心平台模型层的研究与实现

    The E-business Model Based on CATV Wide Band the Research and Implement of the Model Layer of Center Platform

  11. 爱尔蓓林轴承在线工贸公司,是致力于为全球的轴承用户及经销商提供解决方案的电子商务服务中心。

    LA Bearing Online is a leading E-business service center , dealing with all kinds of bearings in stock or for orders .

  12. 中国电子商务研究中心的分析师莫岱青表示,中国消费者转向代购的主要原因是,国内对奢侈品的进口关税太高。

    Mo Daiqing , an analyst at the e-commerce research centre , says the main reason Chinese are turning to daigou is because of hefty import tariffs on luxury goods .

  13. 随着世界进入以电子商务为中心的网络经济时代,文化消费的现实压力促使文化产品迅速地朝观赏化、人性化、优质化、个性化和品牌化转型。

    As entering the Cybereconomy era with E-commerce as the center , realistic pressure of cultural consumption impels cultural products rapidly transiting towards enjoyment , humanization , high quality , individualization and brand .

  14. 如何构建整合模式电子商务网站CA中心

    How to Establish CA Center of Electronic Commerce Site With Combination Mode

  15. B2C电子商务物流配送中心选址模型研究

    Research the Location Model on B2C Electronic Commerce Logistics Distribution Center

  16. 本文中还提出了一个基于身份的盲参数签名方案,可用于电子商务系统CA中心为交易双方颁发口令。

    A special ID-based blind parameters signature scheme is proposed in order to adapt to CA of e-business system issuing the passwords of the business parites .

  17. 通过对国内外物流配送中心绩效评价的研究,重点分析了配送中心配送活动的特点和功能,阐述了B2C电子商务企业配送中心绩效评价的指标体系和评价方法。

    On the basis of the research of performance evaluation at home and abroad , it emphasizes on the analysis of the features and functions of the distribution center and distribution activities and states the index system and evaluation methods of the B2C e-commerce enterprise distribution center performance evaluation .

  18. 销售型电子商务企业配送中心选址方法初探

    Allocation of Distribution Centers for Selling E - business Enterprises

  19. 电子商务企业配送中心选址评价指标体系及模糊综合评价

    Index System of Evaluation for Distribution Centre Location and Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation Under Electronic Commerce

  20. 网上支付作为电子商务活动的中心环节,是网上银行的发展方向。

    Payment in network as a core circle of electronic commercial activity , represents the developmental direction of network banks .

  21. 介绍了在设计电子商务物流配送中心能力时,需要从物流中心需求预测、物流配送中心组织网络的确定等多方面进行考虑设计物流的配送方案。

    When designing the capacity of e_business logistic distribution Center , logistic distribution plan must be made based on the prediction of demand and supply of logistic center and the determination of or ˉ ganic net of the logistic distribution center .

  22. 诺德斯特龙是实体零售商中公认的技术领袖,公司决定自今年起到2018年在技术实施上投入12亿美元,以强化电子商务、物流中心和店内服务体验,而联网试衣间就是其中一环。

    Nordstrom , widely considered a technology leader among brick and mortar retailers , plans between this year and 2018 to have spent $ 1.2 billion on tech , including e-commerce , fulfillment centers , and in-store service enhancements , such as these connected fitting rooms .

  23. 中国电信湖南电子商务CA安全认证中心系统和组网介绍

    China Telecom Certificate Authority of Hunan Province

  24. B2C电子商务中物流配送中心优化设计

    Research on Optimal Design of Logistic Distribution Center for B2C E-Commerce

  25. 因此,对B2C电子商务企业物流配送中心进行科学、有效的物流绩效评价是十分重要的。

    Therefore , it is very important to evaluate B2C e-commerce enterprise logistics and distribution center in a scientific and effective way .

  26. 通过算例验证了模型和算法的有效性和可行性,为B2C电子商务企业物流配送中心的合理设计提供了新的思路。

    The effectiveness and feasibility of the model and algorithm are verified by an actual computational example , thus providing a new way for the rational design of distribution centers for B2C e-commerce companies .

  27. 综合评价法在电子商务环境下配送中心选址应用

    General Evaluation Solution to Confirm Distribution Centers Under Electronic Commerce

  28. 为此,提出了定量化的启发式算法来初步确定电子商务环境下配送中心选址方案。

    The paper proposes the method combining quantitative heuristic algorithm to make certain the logistics distribution center location project under electronic commerce conditions .

  29. 分析了一个电子商务系统中认证中心,商家,客户三个实体的关系,研究了电子商务的支付问题并提出改进方案。

    It analyzes the relation of authentication center , merchant and client , discusses the defrayment problem of E-commerce and puts forward a better scheme .

  30. 只有科学有效地评价电子商务企业物流配送中心绩效,才能够降低企业的物流成本,最大限度地为消费者提供方便,从而提高企业的核心竞争力。

    Only evaluating the e-commerce business logistics distribution center performance in a scientific and effective way can the cost of logistics enterprises be reduced , and companies offer the convenience for consumers in maximum and then enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .