
  • 网络electronic billing
  1. 金融联集团电子账单呈现与支付系统的市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of Flink Group Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

  2. 但他们从不向我们明确地说出来。他们会尽更多的义务,照顾利,子孙女,付电子账单的费用,把衣服拿去洗衣店,等等。

    They do their further duty by taking care of their grandchildren , paying e-bills , giving the clothes for laundry etc.

  3. 网上银行的使用者利用网络来使用银行提供的一系列的服务,包括电子账单支付,资金转移及各种类型的投资等。

    Online bank users are using the web today for a number of different services that include electronic bill payments , transferring funds , and various types of investments .

  4. 信用卡支付,数字现金,电子钱包,智能卡,微支付和电子账单呈递与支付是处理网上交易的方法。

    Credit-card payment , digital cash and e-wallets , smart cards , micropayments and electronic bill presentment and payment are methods for conducting online transactions .