
  • 网络Student Army;National Cadet Corps
  1. 在克钦军与军政府1994年签署停火协议之后,学生军总部撤离。

    The headquarter was later moved after KIA signed a ceasefire agreement with Burmese Army in1994 .

  2. 新桂系时期广西学生军的成立是当时国际国内复杂的时代背景的产物。

    The students army was established at the time of the international and domestic complex background in Guangxi .

  3. 在这个大背景下,广西学生军作为一支以青年学生为主的抗日救亡团体,它的主要活动都是围绕抗日救亡的主题来进行的。

    In this background , the main activities of the guangxi students army was around the theme of resisting Japan .

  4. 不管怎样,在当时具体的历史条件下,广西学生军的巨大历史功绩是不容抹杀的。

    Anyway , the historical merit of Guangxi students army is not to obliterate at the time of the specific historical conditions .

  5. 现在,中国人成为美国境内国际留学生中幼儿园到12年级学生的主力军。

    Now , Chinese are the largest international group in US kindergarten-through-12th grade , or K-12 , programs of study .

  6. 这些中国军训学生头顶瓶子走军姿,展示了自己精神饱满的一面。

    These Chinese military cadets prove they have a lot of bottle after being orderedto march around with drink containers on their heads .

  7. 高校辅导员肩负着对大学生实施思想政治教育、参与教育管理、培养“四有”人才的重任,是高校学生工作的主力军,辅导员队伍建设的好坏直接关系到人才培养质量乃至整个学校的发展。

    In universities , it is the counselors that educate students ' thoughts and participate in the educational administration in order to train and bring up qualified personnel .

  8. 高校辅导员作为高校学生工作的主力军,奋斗在学生管理工作第一线,对学生的身心发展具有十分重要的作用。

    As the main force of college students ' affairs , college instructors struggle in the front line of student management , so they has an great impact on students ' physical and mental development .