
chū chǎnɡ fèi
  • appearance money;fee for a performance, lecture, etc
  1. UFC的顶级格斗手除了出场费和奖金之外,还能在PPV节目收入中获得分成。

    Top UFC fighters receive a cut of PPV revenue on top of their guarantees and bonuses .

  2. 对于一个每年以每场约5万美元的出场费参加多达130场音乐会(这些数据发表于《纽约客》杂志(TheNewYorker))的人而言,他仍花费很多时间走入校园。

    For a man who does as many as 130 concerts a year at about $ 50,000 each ( according to figures published in The New Yorker ), he still spends a lot of time in schools .

  3. 经济咨询机构FrontierEconomics的分析估计,参加这档电视节目的人预计可从随后的赞助和出场费中获得110万英镑收入,而完成牛津/剑桥大学本科学位的平均终身回报为81.5万英镑。

    Analysis by Frontier Economics , an economic consultancy , estimated that someone who appears on the show could expect to earn 1.1 million pounds from subsequent sponsorship and appearance fees compared with a lifetime average return of 815000 pounds from completing an undergraduate degree at Oxbridge .

  4. 出场费为6位数的顶级演讲明星包括科林鲍威尔(colinpowell)和鲁迪朱利安尼(rudygiuliani,直至他放弃演讲,将精力集中在总统竞选上),当然还有格林斯潘。

    The six-figure A-list stars include people such as Colin Powell and , until he pulled back to concentrate on his presidential campaign , Rudy Giuliani and , of course , Mr Greenspan .

  5. 圣吉的出场费高达4万美元。

    Fees for Senge 's talks top $ 40000 .

  6. 当然,这些球员可以拿到相应的出场费和奖金来养活自己。

    However , these players can earn money with appearance fees and bonuses possible .

  7. 以下是演讲费最高的10位商学院教授,以及各自的最高身价(依据是他们在美国的最高出场费):

    Top 10 B-school Speakers , Top Prices ( maximum reported fees for U.S. appearances )

  8. 辣妹们的个人出场费达到五万英镑以上(合人民币65万元)。

    A personal appearance by the girls cost upwards of 50,000 pounds ( RMB 650,000 ) .

  9. 门多萨挣来大笔大笔的钱,一次出场费就多可达100英镑。

    He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 100 pounds for a single appearance .

  10. 要知道参加一场锦标赛他通常都会收2-3百万美元的出场费。

    He is paid massive appearance fees of around $ 2-3 million dollars just to show up at a tournament .

  11. 针对参与巡回演讲的帕夫洛等人,主要争论之一是他们的出场费。

    One of the main arguments against people such as Mr Pavlo engaging in speaking tours is the appearance fee .

  12. 世界级拳王,出场费几百万美金,上千万美金,常常是欠债的。

    The world famous boxers may earn millions of dollars for one game , but often find themselves deep in debt .

  13. 学者,特别是美国顶级商学院教授的演讲出场费,绝对不是小数目。

    Talk , when it comes from some of the country 's top business school academics , is far from cheap .

  14. 她已经成为一系列广告和走秀新星,出场费达2000英镑。

    She has already starred in a string of adverts and catwalk shows and is earning up to £ 2000 a shoot .

  15. 运动员和经纪人们说,田径赛事正在减少,其奖金和出场费也在缩减。

    The number of track meets is dwindling , along with available prize money and appearance fees , athletes and agents say .

  16. 一线明星有时候唱几首歌就会收这么&出场费是大头,演奏时间长短反倒是次要影响因素。

    Top acts sometimes charge that much to play only several songs & you pay more for the appearance than the length of set .

  17. 我告诉你一个事实吧!里诺原本有意在本周末前往电视台录制一档电视节目,他将会因此得到不菲的出场费。

    I can tell you that Rino was meant to guest on a television programme this week , which also pays very well for appearances .

  18. 圣皮埃尔最近的格斗比赛每场都包括20万美元的出场费,再加上20万美元的获胜奖金。

    St-Pierre 's recent bouts have each included a $ 200 , 000 guarantee , plus a $ 200 , 000 win bonus for the fighter .

  19. 沃兹尼亚克并未透露此次活动的具体出场费,只是表示他只赚得初始费用的20%。

    Mr. Wozniak didn 't disclose how much he was paid for the appearance , but said he only nets 20 % of his original fee .

  20. 当时有传言说全国橄榄球联盟想让这些艺人支付一部分他们的中场秀出场费给联盟,以此作为被选中的补偿。

    At the time , it was rumored that the NFL had wanted artists to pay a portion of their post-halftime show income to the league as compensation for being picked .

  21. 有消息称,在预计于7月20日在湖南电视台首播的该音乐类节目中,王菲的出场费将高达8000万元,亦有传高达3亿元。

    Rumour has it she will earn an appearance fee of 80 million yuan , or even 300 million yuan , for a Hunan TV music show expected to premiere on July 20 .

  22. 蒙特瑞勒称,塔兰蒂尼支付给她1000欧元作为派对出场费。在她倾诉称自己很难独立抚养婴儿后,总理自己还给她封了一个红包。

    For that party , Montereale said she received euro 1000 from Tarantini and another envelope with cash from the premier himself after she confided she was having problems raising an infant alone .

  23. 乔丹一个人的出场费、广告费收入就相当于一个企业,乔丹本人就是国家的纳税大户。

    The in - come of Jordan 's fee of entering the arena and advertisement are equal to that of an enterprise . Jordan himself is an important customer of taxpaying for the country .

  24. 实际上,他说他出场费的15%划给一位联合代理人,12.5%归他经纪人所有,37%用于支付美国政府税,13%用来支付加利福尼亚州州税。

    In fact , he said that 15 % of his fee goes to a co-broker , 12.5 % goes to his agent , 37 % is paid in U.S. government taxes and 13 % goes to California state taxes . '

  25. 为什么巴萨只给了他低于必须或应该给他的只有一周的假期(指巴萨给小罗的假期应该大于一周)来使他为巴萨在美国和墨西哥的巡回赛中赚取全额的出场费?

    Why , they gave him one week ´ s holiday less than they needed to or should have done simply so that he could earn them the full amount of their appearance money in the US and Mexico on tour .

  26. 坏消息是,我们不知道什么时候将会与这些“拳击对手”交手——没有宣传海报和电视促销广告,没有赛前新闻发布会和保证我们级别相当的体重测量,也没有出场费。

    The bad news is , we don 't really know when our bouts with these opponents occur - no posters and promotional TV commercials ; no pre-fight Press Conference and weigh in to make sure that we measure up to our opponent ; and there is no Pay Per View coverage .

  27. 天空体育会带你重温他的出场纪录、转会费以及身体状况。

    Sky will be telling you about his appearance records , transfer fees and fitness .