
  • 网络yield;yield of primary product
  1. 山东蓝宝石出成率的初步研究

    A Research On The Products Rate of Sapphires in Shang Dong

  2. 精米出成率及水分含量对米的食味值影响的研究

    Effect of milling recovery rate and moisture content on rice taste value

  3. 一级归出成率为17.10%比对照高6.97个百分点。

    First-class root extractions were 17.10 % , which was about 6.97 percent higher than CK .

  4. 饱果率、双仁果率和双仁饱果率明显提高,伏果减少,使出口果仁的出成率分别提高8.2%和9.5%;

    The yield rate of export kernel can be increased by 8.2 % and 9.5 % respectively .

  5. 但只要掌握欧洲鳗鲡的生活特性,采取相应的技术措施,其商品鳗养殖可以获得较高的成活率和出成率。

    However , comparatively higher survival and adult fish rate could also be obtained in adult eel rearing , if corresponding technical measures are adopted based on its living characteristics .

  6. 提出了运用多级模糊综合评价法求出成新率的具体操作方法;

    The operating method using multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is advanced to make sure the residue ratio .

  7. 探讨了运用模糊数学的二级综合评价法求出成新率,进而确定固定资产价值的方法。

    It probes a method to find out the depreciation rate by using the two-level overall evaluation method of fuzzy mathematics , and thus determining the value of fixed assets .

  8. 各组裸鼠接种S180细胞9d后,在其接种部位长出肿块,成瘤率达90%,后呈进行性生长,至36d移植瘤直径约为1cm。

    Groups of nude mice inoculated with S180 cells grow in its mass in inoculation site at 9d , and tumor formation rate was 90 % , then gradual growth to 36d , tumor diameter about 1 cm .