
  • 网络Degree Classification;degree class
  1. 问题在于,这是因为学位等级本身,还是因为雇主和考官各自制定了相同的标准。

    The question is whether this is because of the degree class itself , or because both employers and examiners are independently picking up the same traits .

  2. 好消息是,一旦考虑你的基础分数,你的学位等级对你的工作机会或发展空间就无关紧要了。

    The good news is that once your underlying scores are taken into account , your degree class seems to make no difference to your chance of a job or further place .

  3. 中国没有学位等级制度;

    In China , degree classifications do not exist ;

  4. 中国没有学位等级制度;重要的是拼命学习考高分再上个好大学,至于上大学之后做什么就管不着了。

    In China , degree classifications do not exist ; working incredibly hard at school and performing well in exams to get to a good university matters more than what happens once they are there .