
  • 网络oil pump;Gear Oil Pump;gear pump;KCB
  1. 一个基于VRML齿轮油泵装拆交互系统及实现技术

    Based on VRML Gear Oil Pump Assembling and Dismantling Interactive System and Realization Technology

  2. CBL系列齿轮油泵密封铜环的改进

    Improvement of CBL Series Oil Pump Sealed Copper Bushing

  3. 《齿轮油泵拆装剖析》CAI课件制作与探索

    《 Anatomy of Disassembly and Assembly of Gear Pump 》 CAI Courseware Building and Exploring

  4. 铝合金齿轮油泵泵体挤压铸造工艺研究

    Study on squeeze casting technique of aluminum alloy body of gear pump

  5. 新型齿轮油泵的研究

    A Research on a New Type of Gear Oil Pump

  6. 测绘齿轮油泵三维装配体。

    Part mapping and assembly drawings of a gear bump .

  7. 圆弧摆线齿轮油泵的齿廓曲线参数优化设计

    Optimum Design with Factories of Tooth Profile for the Circle-arc-cycloidal Gear Oil Pump

  8. 曲线齿轮油泵的研究

    Study on Pump with Curved Tooth Cylindrical Gear

  9. 齿轮油泵反转润滑管线的设计

    Design of lubricant pipeline reversal for gear box

  10. 采用齿轮油泵组,供油稳定、澡音低。

    It adopts gear oil pump set , oil supply stable and has low noise .

  11. 带连接弯管的齿轮油泵

    Gear oil pump with connecting bend pipe

  12. 内啮合齿轮油泵廓线的二次包络设计方法线啮合齿轮副的误差原理

    Design of the Secondary Envelope for a Conjugate Cycloid CONJUGATE PRINCIPLE OF GEARS WITH GEOMETRICAL ERROR

  13. 噪声的危害与控制齿轮油泵降噪的方法

    Declining noise of gear pump

  14. 齿轮油泵采用斜齿轮是降低机械噪声和减小流量脉动的一种有效措施。

    Use of helical gear in gear pump is an effective measure , which can reduce the mechanical voice and flow pulse .

  15. 齿轮油泵的润滑是靠输送的液体而自动达到的,故日常工作时无须别加润滑油。

    Gear lubrication oil pump is on automatic transmission fluid to achieve , so do not need day-to-day work of other lubricating .

  16. 对轮式装载机用齿轮油泵常见故障和产生原因进行了分析,并提出了预防措施。

    In this paper the common faults and causing reasons about gear pump of wheel loader are analmd , and the preventive measures are suggested .

  17. 阜新北星液压件有限公司系生产高压齿轮油泵的专业厂家。

    Fuxin Beixing Hydraulic Component Co. , Ltd. , is a professional factory producing the oil pump of the gear wheel and gear wheel motor of our country .

  18. 内啮合摆线转子齿轮油泵的齿形对泵的加工、性能(如:流量、脉动、噪声)等有很大的影响。

    The gear form of internal gearing cycloidal gear pump has important influence on machining and characteristics of pump , such as flow rate , fluctuation rate and noise etc.

  19. 介绍了齿轮油泵的结构原理,阐述了其常见故障的原因,并指出了预防故障的措施,为预防故障及修理油泵打下良好基础。

    This paper introduces the structure and principle , elaborates common fault causes and points out the measures for prevention of fault , which lies the base for prevention and repairing of gear pump .

  20. 齿轮油泵广泛应用于石油、化工、船舶、电力、粮油、食品、医疗、建材、冶金及国防科研等行业。

    Gear pumps are widely used in petroleum , chemical , shipbuilding , electricity , grain and oil , food , medical care , building materials , metallurgy and defense industry and scientific research .

  21. 齿轮油泵在泵体中装有一对回转齿轮,一个主动,一个被动,依靠两齿轮的相互啮合,把泵内的整个工作腔分两个独立的部分。

    Gear pumps in the pump body with a pair of rotating gears , an active and a passive , relying on two inter-meshing gears to pump cavity of the whole work in two separate parts .

  22. 本文阐述了罗茨泵安装油泵的必要性,介绍了圆弧-泛摆线齿轮油泵的工作原理、特点、计算方法及安装结构

    The article describes the necessity of an oil pump installed to the roots pump and introduces the working principle , characteristics , calculational methods and the installing structure of arc – extensive cycloid gear oil pump

  23. 本文导出了斜齿轮油泵不产生串油和困油现象的合理的斜齿轮几何参数的解析方程,并在实践中取得了满意的效果。

    An analytical equation , using reasonable geometry parameter of helical gear to eliminate such phenomenon , as " stringed oil " and " entrenched oil " is given for oil gear pump in this paper and gets satisfactory result in practice .

  24. 齿轮油泵在运转时主动齿轮带动被动齿轮旋转,当齿轮从啮合到脱开时在吸入侧(A)就形成局部真空,液体被吸入。

    Gear pumps in operation when the passive gear driven rotary gear , when the gear was torn off from the mesh to the side when inhaled ( A ) on the formation of partial vacuum , the liquid to be inhaled .

  25. 根据设计要求,确定了闭环微机随动调节系统控制方案。以电磁调速电机和齿轮油泵为受控对象,把喷油率作为控制参数,以保持其恒值为控制目的。

    According to the demands of design , a programme of the closed loop computer servo control system is determined with the electromagnetic adjustable speed motor and gear pump as the controlling objects and with the rate of spraying as the controlling parameters .

  26. 外啮合直齿轮机油泵容积效率的研究

    A Study on Volumetric Efficiency of External Gearing Cylindrical Gear Pump

  27. 齿轮润滑油泵的润滑状态分析

    Analysis of lubrication condition on gear lubrication oil pump

  28. 渐开线齿轮机油泵特性分析

    Characteristics Analysis of Involute Gear Lubricating Pump

  29. 通过对引进新产品QC16/17型齿轮动力油泵进行优化后发现:优化结果与泵的实际参数很吻合。

    The optimization of the gear power pump of the imported QC 16 / 17 indicates that the result of optimization is identical with the practical parameters .

  30. 分析了影响外啮合直齿轮机油泵容积效率的主要因素,对油泵齿谷产生空穴和间隙漏损的机理进行了探讨。

    In this paper , main factors affecting the volumetric efficiency of external gearing cylindrical gear pump are analyzed , mechanism of hole produced in tooth space of pump and mechanism of leak loss by clearance are discussed .