
  • 网络sport population
  1. 改变我国体育人口马鞍形分布的对策

    Countermeasures for Changing the Saddle-Shape Distribution of Chinas Sport Population

  2. 我国体育人口及其质量综合评判标准建立的构想

    A Speculation of Evaluation Criteria Synthesized of Chinese Sport Population and Its Quantity

  3. 体育人口形成因素的二项logistic回归分析

    Binary logistic regression analysis of formation of sports population

  4. 二项logistic回归分析是研究体育人口这种二分类变量与其他变量间关系的较好方法。

    Binary logistic regression analysis is a good method of analyzing the formation of the sports population .

  5. 福建省城镇各阶层体育人口形成的因素进行二项Logistic回归分析。

    The Fujian Province cities each social stratum sports population forms the factor carries on two item of Logistic regression analysis .

  6. 二项Logistic回归分析结果显示:性别、文化程度、职业、家庭月均收入以及每天家务劳动时间等因素对福建省城镇体育人口形成有显著的影响。

    Demonstrated by Binary Logistic regression analysis result : Sex , years of schooling , occupation , the family month receives as well as factors and so on daily housework time forms to the Fujian Province cities sports population has the remarkable influence .

  7. 北京市体育人口现状研究

    The Study of the Current Status of Sports Population in Beijing

  8. 福建省体育人口文化构成特征及比较研究&以福州、厦门、三明为实证

    Comparative Studies on the Cultural Elements of Sports Population in Fujian

  9. 体育人口和体育组织数量增加。

    Increase the number of sports population and sports organizations .

  10. 体育人口概念具有整体性、综合性特征;

    Concept of sports population has integrated and comprehensive characteristics ;

  11. 体育人口的国际比较研究

    Comparative Study between China and Other Countries on Sports Population

  12. 天水地区农村体育人口偏少的原因及研究对策

    Tianshui Area Countryside Sports Population few Reasons and Research Countermeasure

  13. 莆田市体育人口与非体育人口比较研究

    A comparative study of sports-involved and non-sports-involved population in Putian

  14. 体育人口与体育市场经济关系初探

    Preliminary Study On Relationship between Sports Population and Economic of Sports Market

  15. 影响体育人口因素的社会学分析

    The Sociological Analysis of Main Factors Influencing on Sports Population

  16. 辽宁省高校教师的体育人口水平偏低。

    The sports population among college teachers in Liaoning is relative low .

  17. 对我国体育人口游泳参与状况的探析

    The Analysis on the Participation Condition of Swimming among Chinese Sports Population

  18. 对全面推动国民健身促进体育人口发展趋势的研究

    Function of Nation Body - building on Sports Population Development

  19. 福建省体育人口职业结构特征及比较研究就业人口的结构转型

    Occupational Composition Characteristics of Sports Population in Fujian Province and Comparative Study

  20. 江西省城镇体育人口现状的研究

    The Study on Present Situation of the Sports Population in Towns of Jiangxi

  21. 从上海市体育人口的性别结构透视其妇女体育的开展

    Perspective on Woman Sports Development from Gender Structure of Sports Population in Shanghai

  22. 对体育人口问题的初步探讨

    A preliminary exploration into the problem of sports population

  23. 结果认为,在上海市体育人口中,女性体育人口大大低于男性体育人口。

    In sports population , the ratio of woman is higher than man .

  24. 莆田市准体育人口结构与体育活动特征研究

    The research on the structure and the character of pre-sporting population of Putian

  25. 体育人口偏低为参加锻炼者的62.8o。

    The physical population remains low , occupying 62.8 % of the exercisers .

  26. 当前我国体育人口流动模式及发展研究

    On the model and development of sports population mobility

  27. 体育人口的概念、分类及其统计标准

    Concept , Classification and Statistical Criteria of Sports Population

  28. 中国与经济发达国家体育人口的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Sports Population between China and Countries Highly Developed in Economy

  29. 武汉市部分社区社会体育人口的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Social Sports Population of Some Communities in Wuhan City

  30. 大力发展体育人口。

    8th , develops the sports population vigorously .