
cǎi chá
  • pick tea-leaves
采茶 [cǎi chá]
  • [pick tea-leaves] 采摘茶叶

采茶[cǎi chá]
  1. 浅谈赣南采茶舞中的矮子步

    On Dwarf Step in Gannan Tea - picking Dance CHINESE TEA

  2. 茶园里不时飘来采茶姑娘欢快的笑声。

    Floating from time to time the girl picking tea laughter .

  3. 4C&80型微电机驱动采茶机的设计

    Designing of the Model 4C-80 Tea Plucking Machine Driven by the Micromotor

  4. 机采茶树栽培技术体系的研究

    Study on Cultural Technique System of Mechanical Plucking Tea

  5. 她们教我们怎样采茶。

    They showed us how to pick tea leaves .

  6. 采茶机切割器系统的优化设计

    Optimized Design of Cutter System of Tea Plucking Machine

  7. 采茶机动力振动烈度试验研究

    Experimental study on the vibration of tea mower

  8. 每天吃了早饭,就到茶园里去采茶。

    Every day after breakfast I had to go out and pick tea leaves .

  9. 采茶机、轻修剪机最佳刀、机速度

    The Optimum Velocity of Knife and Machine of Tea Plucker and Tea Pruning Machine

  10. 她们采茶时,清脆的歌声在山谷中回荡。

    The clear sound of their singing rang out across the valley as they picked the leaves .

  11. 赣南采茶舞蹈,是客家文化孕育出来的艺术瑰宝。单袖筒又是这瑰宝中独具特色的表演技巧之一。

    And " The Single Sleeve " is one of the unique performance skills in gannan hakka dance .

  12. 新时期如何创作出优秀的赣南采茶舞蹈作品

    Ways of Creating Excellent Dances Picking Tea Leaves from South of Jiangxi Province in the New Period of Time

  13. 安吉白茶的采茶期只有短短的一个月,因而使它变得更为珍贵。

    The Anji white tea has a short harvest time lasting about one month , which makes it even rarer .

  14. 但是简单地将现有茶园、采茶机械及技术应用于名优茶的采摘是不现实的。

    But the existing tea plantations , tea plucking machine and technology applied to the quality tea picking is unrealistic .

  15. 赣南采茶舞蹈具有深厚的文化内涵,属于汉族民间舞。

    Gannan hakka dance has a profound cultural connotation , and is an important form of folk dances of Han nationality .

  16. 采茶戏班在其表演的过程当中经常伴随着一系列的仪式,这些仪式对于戏班和请戏人都具有特别的意义。

    Along with the performances , there are usually a series of ritual which have special meanings to both play group and inviter .

  17. 杭州的茶叶也是它的盛产物,每年特地去杭州采茶的游客更是不计其数。

    The tea of Hangzhou is also its chief product and every year , thousands of visitors go to Hangzhou solely for collecting tea .

  18. 本实用新型完善了各部分的相对位置关系,便于制造,适用于机械化采茶。

    The tea plucking machine improves the relative position relation of each portion , is convenient to produce and is adapted for mechanically tea-picking .

  19. 一群姑娘正在山坡上采茶。整体采矿学理念在姑山矿区的部分开采实践

    A bevy of girls were picking tea on the hillside . Practice of the Integrated Mining Thinking on Mining for Some Part of Gushan Mine

  20. 一块板子上写着一系列规定,要求采茶者不得蓄长指甲,不得在脸上搽粉;严禁吸烟。

    A list of rules pinned to a board instructs Tea-Pickers not to keep long fingernails or to powder their faces ; smoking is banned .

  21. 杜伽尔童年时,夏天会在茶园里度过。他回忆起当时情景说,采茶工摘下两片叶子和一朵花蕾,几个小时后就变成了沏好的茶。

    From his childhood summers spent on plantations , he recalls the tea pluckers picking two leaves and a bud that was transformed into brewed tea within hours .

  22. 例如,一个茶园的采茶劳动者每天移动她的手数千次从而把茶叶放进篮子里。

    For instance , a labourer plucking leaves in a tea garden moves her hand to put leaves in the basket behind her several thousand times a day .

  23. 低矮的村落点缀山谷,远处高高的斜坡上、一群群穿着艳丽的采茶人不时跃入视野。

    Low cottages dot the valley , and from time to time I catch sight of distant groups of gaily coloured tea pickers , high on the slopes above .

  24. 采茶戏班演出剧目主要以受老年人欢迎的古装采茶戏为主,并有相对固定的戏路机制。

    The plays of the Tea-picking Play group mainly are ancient dressed tea-picking plays which are welcomed by the elderly , and also have a relatively fixed performance style mechanism .

  25. 不观看野生动物时,我们就惬意地徜徉于阳光充足的茶场,时不时还能穿过采茶的人群,疲惫却又心满意足地回到住地,准备大快朵颐一番。

    When not animal-watching , we walk contentedly through the sunny tea fields , occasionally chancing across groups of pickers , and return pleasantly tired , ready for another large meal .

  26. 七个兄弟都勤劳的从事着耕地播种之活,而妹妹则是上山采花采茶,一家人过着幸福简单的生活。

    The7 brother 's laborious work that is engaged in farmland sowing , and the little sister is to go up hill deflowers collect tea , the family lives happy and simple life .

  27. 卷上讲茶的起源、性状、名称,采茶和制茶的用具以及茶叶的种类和制作方法。

    The first treats the origin , nature and nomenclature of tea , the implements used in picking and producing it and the varieties of tea leaf along with their methods of production ;

  28. 在结束了一天的采茶工作之后,茶农们总会习惯性地汇集到这儿沐浴闲聊。

    The stream was once the focal point of daily village life where the villagers would gather in the late afternoon to bathe and exchange gossip after a day spent working in the tea fields .

  29. 每天拂晓,公社社员就背着篮子出来采茶了。他们只采每根枝干顶部和靠近顶部的那些嫩叶。

    Every morning , at day-break , the commune members come out with baskets on their back to pick t leaves just the tiny shoot near the tip of each branch and the ten leaf next to it .

  30. 因为采茶必须天气清明的清早,当山上的空气极为清新,露水的芬芳尚留于叶上时,所采的茶叶方称上品。

    Picked at early dawn on a clear day , when the morning air on mountain top was clear and thin , and the fragrance of dews was still upon the leaves , tea is still associated with the fragrance and refinement of the magic dew in its enjoyment .