
  • 网络Interviewee
  1. 采访对象:她的著作帮助成立了第一个地球日。

    Interviewee : Her work helped to produce the first Earth Day .

  2. 记者与采访对象的非言语交流及其心理效应

    The Non-verbal Communication between the Journalist and the Interviewee and Its Psychological Effects

  3. CBC新闻记者向其采访对象加拿大富豪促成艺术品交易,且在买方不知情的情形下收取佣金。

    CBC journalist facilitated sales of art to wealthy Canadians he dealt with in his job - including one buyer who had no idea Solomon was collecting a commission .

  4. 《星报》报道,CBC荧屏主持埃文所罗门涉嫌对其采访对象进行艺术交易,并从中收取秘密佣金。

    CBC has fired marquee host Evan Solomon after the Star reported that he was taking secret commission payments related to art sales involving people he dealt with as a host .

  5. 今天的采访对象正在失去他的故事。

    Today we meet someone who is starting to lose his stories .

  6. 你的采访对象中有一名女子跟她的孩子谈论了商店盗窃的问题。

    You have one woman who talked about shoplifting with her kids .

  7. 采访对象高唱赞美歌,还要他不择手段榨出他们的骨髓;

    Interview hymn singing , but he means that they squeeze the bone marrow ;

  8. 我们的采访对象通常还有一些语言学习背景或者海外背景。

    And also we have these guests with language study background or oversea study background ;

  9. 采访对象的心理分析及控制

    Psycho-analysis and control of the Interviewee Objects

  10. 他们有没有给被采访对象一个蜂鸣器,让他们每次一想到性就按一下?

    Did they give their subjects a buzzer to press every time they thought about sex ?

  11. 首先从标题、采访对象来源和封面图片采撷三个角度入手,对《时代》周刊涉华封面报道的样本要素进行分析。

    First , analyzing sample elements from three angles such as the title , interviewer source and cover images .

  12. 我们收看了一段电视访谈,采访对象是一位拥有一亿多美元资产的娱乐业巨头。

    We watched a television interview of an entertainment mogul who had amassed a fortune of over $ 100 million .

  13. 研究电视出镜记者和采访对象的人际交流,有利于出镜记者更好的挖掘、报道新闻事实。

    The study on the interpersonal communication of on-camera journalist and interviewee is beneficial for journalists to cover the truth .

  14. 我的采访对象表示,办公室玩具之所以经久不衰,其终极原因在于,成年人不愿意割舍童年的纽带。

    A final reason executive toys linger , my sources said , is that adults are reluctant to sever ties with childhood .

  15. Ahuja在她的整本书里都好似被催眠,完全被其采访对象的成功所迷住。

    Throughout her book Ms Ahuja seems to be in a trance herself , in thrall to the glamour of her subjects .

  16. 她父母曾获得生第二胎的批准,因为他们第一个孩子我的采访对象有严重的心脏病。

    Her family had managed to get permission for a second child on the grounds that the first my informant had a fatal heart defect .

  17. 过去他们的意见多是借助作为被采访对象、报刊评论的撰写者等角色得以表达。

    On the past , they almost by the role such as an interview with the object , press review writer to express their views .

  18. 本文指出了身体语言在表达中的重要性,分析了身体语言在反映采访对象的态度、情绪和性格方面的作用。

    The present article points out the importance of body languages and analyses the function attitudes , emotion and character of interviewees reflected by body languages .

  19. 你是有某种观点的,如果你没有观点的话,你的照片就表现不出来采访对象蕴涵的东西。

    You have a point of view and , if you haven 't , your pictures don 't show anything about the people you are working with .

  20. 网络环境的形成、读者需求的变化及采访对象的多样性对高校图书馆的文献采访工作产生了极大的影响。

    Forming of the network environment and changing of the reader 's request and variety of collecting the object bring the huge effect for collecting the literature of college library .

  21. 而我们后来知道她“前世的亲人”就是福特女士,她打破了记者与采访对象之间的传统壁垒,和赞塔做了朋友。

    Along the way , it becomes clear that the relative from another lifetime is Ms. Ford , who breaks the traditional wall between journalist and subject by becoming a friend .

  22. 在过去的十年中,作为公众人物,陈鲁豫经历了中国的飞速转变,她的采访对象也由名人渐延伸到普罗大众。

    Over the past 10 years of being a public face in a rapidly changing China , she has gone from interviewing celebrities to talking with people from all walks of life .

  23. 在我刚入行时,我是通过聆听周围人来学会如果工作的-编辑怎样分派任务,撰稿人怎样采访对象-这让我不禁好奇,现在的年轻人是怎样学会这些技巧的。

    As someone who learned how to do my job as a junior by listening to people around me-editors commissioning , writers interviewing-I wonder how today 's young people learn the ropes .

  24. 采写过程对四个焦点议题均围绕着具体策划缘由、采访对象选择、采访实施、采访提纲、撰稿思路和个人感悟展开,故事化叙述意味浓烈。

    In the part of writing , the author carries out reporting and writing , surrounding the specific planning reasons , the interview object to select , interview practice , interview outline , writing ideas and personal thoughts , with the story narration .

  25. 有时,他前往乔布斯位于加州帕洛阿尔托的家中拜访。最初采访对象和记者的关系,变得更加深入,成了“一种漫长、复杂,但大体有益的关系”,施伦德在书中这样形容道。

    On occasion , he visited Jobs at his home in Palo Alto , Calif. What began as a subject-journalist relationship evolved into something deeper - " a long , complicated and mostly rewarding relationship , " as Schlender characterizes it in the book .

  26. 她采访的对象是多年来深受干旱影响的人们。

    She interviewed people who , over the years , had been affected by drought .

  27. 里奥梅西是典礼过后每个人都想采访的对象,苏黎世会议中心综合区聚集的大批世界足坛媒体记者们都排着队等待向他提问。

    Leo Messi was the man everybody wanted to talk to after the ceremony as the massed ranks of the world 's football press lined up to question him in the mixed zone at the Zurich Kongresshaus .

  28. 我今天采访,采访对象时一家营销公司。

    My interview is today . It is with a marketing company .

  29. 记者采访的主要对象和内容是实验小学和北濠桥社区国学班在城隍庙联合举办的端午祭活动,以及北濠桥社区成立的义工联合会。

    The interview was between the reporter and the person who organized the activity . Also , we have interviewed the Voluntary worker federation founded by the Residents'committee of Beihaoqiao Nanyuan .

  30. 针对电视采访中保护采访对象的特殊需要,本文应用基于均值漂移的视频跟踪算法和图像加密算法,成功设计出一个视频跟踪加密方案。

    To aim at particular demands to protect information in sensitive area on the TV interview , a video encryption scheme is successful designed by applying video tracking algorithm based mean-shift and image encryption method .