
  • 网络polygon mirror
  1. 激光宽带扫描热处理用锥形多棱镜的参数分析

    Analysis of parameters of pyramid polygon mirror for wide-band laser scanning heat treatment

  2. 针对单头激光毛化存在的效率瓶颈问题,本论文提出了基于多棱镜扫描分光脉冲调制原理的多头CO2激光毛化技术方案。

    In order to solve the problem of low efficiency of single-head laser texturing , a multi-heads CO2laser texturing technology based on pulse beam modulation by polygon scanning is proposed .

  3. 优美的多棱镜&论20世纪90年代女性散文写作的审美品格

    On the Aesthetic Characteristics Of the Female Prose Writing in 1990s

  4. 飞切多棱镜分度装置及其误差分析

    Index Unit for Ultraprecision Machining Polygon Mirrors and Its Error Analysis

  5. 多棱镜:海明威《永别了,武器》的叙事结构

    Aspects of the narrative structure of A Farewell to Arms

  6. 都市生活的浮世绘和多棱镜&2008年都市化进程中的文化与精神生态

    Mosaics of Urban Life & Cultural and Spiritual Ecology in Urbanization Process of 2008

  7. 举起多棱镜透视橄榄油

    Deep perspective on olive oil with multi-prism

  8. 这只是美国教育这面多棱镜的一角。

    This is just a brief introduction to one of the many aspects of American education .

  9. 用该装置进行超精密加工多棱镜试验,多棱镜相邻面角度误差小于5.7〃。

    It is achieved that machined facet-to-facet angular error is less than 5.7 ″ by using this unit .

  10. 作为纪录文化的语言文字,就如一个多棱镜,它能照射出文化的各个层面。

    Culture and language as a record , just like a prism , it can at all levels of exposure to the culture .

  11. 本文通过这种多棱镜的透视方法,较为客观、真实、立体地展现了唐代城市居民丰富多彩的宗教生活画面。

    We hope to show a colorful picture of religious life of the Tang people objectively , truely and stereoscopic perspectively in the Prism perspective methods .

  12. “多棱镜”展览的意义不在于它的规模,而在于把五个完全不同的艺术家及其作品放在一起。

    The meaning of Multi-prism Exhibition lies not in its scale , but its attempt to integrate so diversified a group of5 artists and their works .

  13. 这起被称为“空难”的公关危机事件,恰如一枚多棱镜,折射出企业公关危机管理的诸多问题。

    It has been called the " disastrous " public relations crisis incident , which reflects many public relations crisis management ( PRCM ) issues of the enterprise .

  14. 当太阳处于接近地平线的高度且云层中冰晶较多时,就会像多棱镜一样折射太阳光而产生“假日”。

    They form when the sun is near the horizon and ice crystals high in the sky line up in a way that bends the solar rays like a prism .

  15. 都市中的招牌犹如一面多棱镜,通过它我们可以看到五彩斑斓的都市语言,看到社会沧海桑田的变化,感受那扑面而来的厚重的文化气息。

    The shop signs in metropolises are just like a prism through which we can not only see the colorful metropolis language and big changes of the society but also feel the deep cultural atmosphere .

  16. 我的性格就像一面多棱镜,有很多的侧面:既内向又有几分好动,既热情又有些武断,既自信又有点胆小。

    My character is much the same as a prism with a great many sides . I am a little introverted and active , a little passionate and arbitrary , a little confident and cowardly .

  17. 《申报》是近代上海读者最多、影响最大的中文报刊,其刊登的广告五彩缤纷,犹如一面多棱镜,折射出近代上海社会的方方面面。

    The Shun Pao was an Chinese paper of modern Shanghai , which had greatest readers and most extensive effect . Its advertisement was so rich and colorful that it reflected the social life of modern Shanghai like a mirror .

  18. 典妻婚俗像一面多棱镜,经历千百年的历史传承和文化整合,折射出不同时代、不同区域、不同社会群体对民间婚姻文化所赋予的不同理念。

    Like a prism , and through hundreds and thousands of years of historic development and cultural integration , the marriage custom of pawning wife reflects the various social group 's notion of the folk marriage customs in different times and regions .

  19. 作为一种特殊的小说形式,三部曲在内容上体现出一种强烈的史诗精神,是映照社会全景图的多棱镜和捕捉时代精神气候的灵敏感应器;

    As a special novel mode , the trilogy appears a kind of mighty " epic " spirit on the content , which is the prism to shine upon social panorama and the acute reaction to catch the weather of the time spirit .