
  • 网络Porous fibers
  1. 用于汽车纺织品的Dacron多孔纤维在染色工艺中的优势

    Dacron multi-channel fibers for automobile textiles-advantages in the dyeing process

  2. 与圆截面标准聚酯纤维相比Dacron多孔纤维应用于汽车面料具有明显的优势。

    The use of Dacron multi-channel fibers in the application for automobile materials offers clear advantages by additional functions opposite standard polyester fibers with round fiber cross-section .

  3. 利用国产POY系列设备,开发涤纶细旦多孔纤维,提高设备利用率,通过工艺的合理调整,生产出用户满意产品。

    Utilizing domestic POY equipment to develop polyester many-hole microfilaments fibre , the equipment utilization ratio was improved . Through adjusting the process parameters , products that satisfied consumer were produced .

  4. 静电纺丝制备高比表面积纳米多孔纤维的研究进展

    Research progress on the high specific surface area nano-porous electrospun fibers

  5. 预氧化升温速率过快会引起多孔纤维膜开裂。

    Too high heating rates in preoxidation caused severe cracking of the membrane .

  6. 多孔纤维质颗粒阴燃特性及烟气粒度

    Porous Medium Smolder Property and Smoke Particles Sizing

  7. 多孔纤维状物质的冷冻干燥模型

    Model for freeze drying of fibrous-porous materials

  8. 通过自主研制蒸汽喷射成型新工艺技术与试验装备,并成功制造超轻质多孔纤维体。

    The ultra-low-density porous wood fibrous material was successfully made by the experimental equipments designed and manufactured by ourselves with the forming process of steam injection .

  9. 基于多孔纤维材料等效流体的经验公式,分析了复声速和复密度相对流阻率的变化规律。

    Based on the empirical equations of porous material considered as a fluid , the rules between the complex speed & density and flow resistivity are analyzed .

  10. 砌块采用单内腔、四周(除采用多孔纤维混凝土的两个面)分布圆槽的形式。

    Block uses the form of single lumen and distribution of holes on its surfaces ( except the two surfaces which are made of porous fiber reinforced concrete ) .

  11. 通过改变添加剂分子量、添加剂浓度、非溶剂浓度和后处理方法等因素,研究了其对制备多孔纤维的影响。

    Meanwhile , studies have been carried out on the preparation conditions , such as the molecular weight of additives , the additive content , non-solvent content and the post-processing treatments .

  12. 纳米CaCO3/EVA/PP共混制备多孔聚丙烯纤维

    Porous Polypropylene Fiber Prepared by Nano-CaCO_3 / EVA / Polypropylene Blends

  13. 介绍了东丽公司POY多孔细旦纤维生产线特点。

    The main characteristics of Toray multiporous fine-denier PET POY production equipment is introduced .

  14. 以PVPK30为致孔剂所得含氟聚合物纳米多孔纳米纤维膜的拉伸强度最高。

    Nano-porous fluoropolymer fiber mats with PVP K30 used as porogen has highest tensile strength .

  15. 吸声帘幕属于多孔有机纤维吸声材料。

    The acoustic curtain belongs to the porous organic-fiber acoustic material .

  16. 176dtex/288f多孔细旦纤维的工艺研究

    The Research on Multiporous Micro-filament of 176dtex / 288f

  17. 以中空多孔碳纤维为主体的轻质吸波材料吸波性能研究

    Radar Absorbing Properties of Light Radar Absorbing Materials Based on Hollow-porous Carbon Fibers

  18. 炭化升温速率对中空多孔炭纤维孔结构的影响

    Effect of Carbonization Heating Rate on the Pore Structure of Hollow-Porous Carbon Fibers

  19. 新型多孔聚酯纤维的制备

    The preparation of a novel microcellular PET fiber

  20. 多孔玻璃纤维制造中的应力分析

    Stress Analysis During Making Porous Glass Fiber

  21. 值得注意的是,在表面具有更大孔径和更多孔的纤维上的细胞表现为优先的沿纤维轴向伸长和取向。

    Notably , a preferential elongation and alignment of cells is achieved on the fibers with larger aperture and more pores .

  22. 分析表明纤蛇纹石中氢氧镁石八面体层被酸溶蚀和硅氧四面体层的塌陷是导致这种白炭黑具有多孔纳米纤维结构的直接原因;

    The results indicate that nano-fibriform silica is porous and that the nano-fibriform structure is attributed to the complete dissolution of the brucite octahedral sheets of chrysotile and the collapse of some Si-O tetrahedral sheets .

  23. 利用测试系统,测试了采用不同类型和不同结构参数的多孔铜纤维烧结毡、不同分布腔结构换热腔板的换热器的性能。

    And the test system was used to test the heat exchanger which adopts porous copper fiber sintered felts which were different type or having different structure , or different types of heat transfer plate .

  24. 因此,为进一步提高换热器的换热性能,本文通过设计加工出基于多孔铜纤维烧结毡的微小型层叠式换热器,并对其性能进行系统的试验分析研究。

    In order to enhance the heat performance of heat exchanger , this paper designed a miniature laminated heat exchanger with porous copper fiber sintered felts and taken a systemic test for it . 1 .

  25. 由循环伏安曲线看出多孔PAN/MWCNTs碳纤维(两中空)较PAN碳纤维具有更大的积分而积,且在更宽的电压范围内都表现出了电容性能。

    According to the Cyclic voltammetry ( CV ) curve , compared with PAN carbon fibers , the porous PAN / MWCNTs carbon fibers ( two holes ) had great integral area of discharge , and showed capacitance properties in wide voltage range .

  26. 多孔穴真丝纤维结构与蠕变性能研究

    Study of the Structures and Creep Properties of Multiporous Silk Fibre

  27. 多孔纳米碳纤维的制备及其在超级电容器中的应用研究

    Synthesis of multiporous carbon nanofibers and their application in supercapacitors

  28. 多孔炭纳米纤维膜的制备及其储电性能研究

    Preparation and Electrochemical Performances of Porous Carbon Nanofiber Mats

  29. 这种多孔莫来石纤维陶瓷具有较均匀的孔分布,并且孔隙率高达96·22%。

    The porous mullite ceramics showed a uniform pore size distribution and a porosity of 96.22 % .

  30. 多孔羟基磷灰石、纤维蛋白和金葡液复合物修复骨缺损的实验研究

    Repair of bone defect with compound of coralline hydroxyapatite porous , fibrin sealant and Staphylococcus aureus injection