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  1. 芳砜纶(PSA)是一种耐高温材料。对于耐高温材料,了解它们的热稳定性,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to study the thermal stability of PSA ( Polysulfonamide ) fiber , a kind of high temperature fibers .

  2. 芳砜纶纤维成纱毛羽及其主要影响因素

    The Hairiness of PSA Yarn and Its Main Influence Factors

  3. 文章介绍了芳砜纶(PSA)纤维的成纱毛羽情况。

    The hairiness of PSA yarn was studied in this paper .

  4. 芳砜纶纤维上片状Mg(OH)2晶体取向膜的制备静电纺丝&从无规纳米纤维膜到取向连续长纱

    Assembly of Lamellar Magnesium Hydroxide Nano Crystal onto Modified Polysulfonamide Fabric Electrospinning : From Randomly Oriented Nanofiber Mats to Aligned Continuous Yarns

  5. 本研究中,水性聚氨酯涂层胶中加入羧甲基纤维素(CMC),能显著提高芳砜纶/棉(50/50)混纺涂层织物的透湿性能。

    In this study , Moisture permeability could be significantly improved by adding carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) into water-dispersible polyurethane on Polysulfonamide ( PSA ) / cotton blend fabric ( 50 / 50 ) .

  6. 并且发现,对试验的芳砜纶纤维来说,当喇叭口中心距为11mm时,成纱点稳定,成纱毛羽数量较少。

    It is also found that the yarn forming point is stable with the least hairiness when the center distance of trumpet reached 11 mm .

  7. 空气低温等离子体对芳砜纶纤维表面改性研究

    Study on surface modification of low temperature plasma treated polysulfone fiber

  8. 减少芳砜纶纱线毛羽的细纱工艺参数优化

    Optimizing thin yarn technical parameter for reducing polysulfonamide yarn filoplume

  9. 等离子体处理对芳砜纶纤维力学性能的影响

    Influence of Plasma Processing on Mechanical Properties of PSA Fiber

  10. 芳砜纶增强的新型摩擦材料研究

    Study on Novel Friction Material Reinforced With Polysulfonamide Fiber

  11. 芳砜纶滤料用于袋式除尘的性能测试与分析

    Testing and analysis on performance of PSA filter media used for bag filter

  12. 芳砜纶是一种高性能合成纤维,结构特殊,性能优良。

    PSA is a high-performance synthetic fiber with special structure and excellent properties .

  13. 研究了芳砜纶纤维增强新型摩擦材料。

    A novel friction material reinforced with polysulfonainide fiber ( PSF ) was developed .

  14. 芳砜纶分散染料载体法染色

    Carrier dyeing of polysulfonamide fiber with disperse dye

  15. 通过试验研究了赛络纺纱技术对芳砜纶纱线毛羽的减少情况。

    The technology of Sirospun is applied in reducing the PSA yarn hairiness in this study .

  16. 芳砜纶的性能及其应用

    Polysulfone Fiber : Properties and Applications

  17. 芳砜纶纤维及其织物在耐热阻燃上的研制突破

    The R & D Breakthrough for Heat Resistant and Fire Against of PSA Fiber and Fabrics

  18. 芳砜纶纤维及其针刺非织造布耐酸碱腐蚀性能的研究

    The Study on Acid-Resistant and Alkaline-Resistant Properties of the Polysulfonamide Fiber and Its Needle-Punched Nonwoven Fabric

  19. 芳砜纶的热稳定性分析

    Thermal Stability Analysis of PSA Fiber

  20. 芳砜纶纤维增强橡胶无石棉垫片密封板材研制&材料基本性能

    Manufacture of polysulfonamide fiber reinforced rubber sheet gasket materials & the properties and behavior of the materials

  21. 预防对疾病的防止或保护性处理芳砜纶应用于消防防护服的性能研究

    Prevention of or protective treatment for disease . Study on Performances of PSA in fire extinction suits

  22. 毛羽问题是目前影响芳砜纶纱线质量的关键因素之一,是该纤维产业化的瓶颈之一。

    The problem of yarn hairiness is one of the key factors that devaluate the PSA yarn quality .

  23. 芳砜纶纤维是我国自主研制的、拥有自主知识产权的耐高温纤维。

    Polysulfonamide ( PSA ) is a new kind of high temperature resistance fiber developed by our own country with independent intellectual property rights .

  24. 主要介绍了芳砜纶纤维、羊毛纤维的染色工艺,两种染色纤维混色纺纱的工艺流程,以及成纱的质量指标。

    In the paper are mainly introduced the dyeing technology of PSA and wool fibers , the spinning process flow of the two blended dyed fibers and the formed yarn quality index .

  25. 芳砜纶纤维具有体积比电阻高、卷曲稳定性差、摩擦因数偏低等特点,这些特点造成加工困难、成纱毛羽较多等问题。

    High volume specific resistance ( VSR ) , instability of crimp and low friction coefficient are the troubles in spinning processing of PSA fiber , brought difficulties in its yarn forming and more yarn hairiness .

  26. 从纤维本身的特性、纺纱过程对纤维的控制、纺纱过程工艺参数、纤维预处理等几个方面对芳砜纶纤维成纱毛羽的影响因素进行了试验研究和分析。

    The Influence factors of the yarn hairiness were discussed from the characteristics of PSA fiber , fiber controlling in the spinning process , spinning parameters , as well as the fiber preparation by antistatic agents .

  27. 在分析芳砜纶纤维基本性能和工业炉窑高温烟气基本特性的基础上,对采用芳砜纶纤维制作的滤料和复合滤料进行了耐温性能和过滤性能试验研究。

    On the analysis of the polysulfonamide fiber basic performance and industrial furnaces high temperature fume , on the basis of the basic characteristics of polysulfonamide fiber produced by the filter material and the compound filter material heat-resistant performance and filtering performance testing research .

  28. 通过试验对芳纶和芳砜纶两种国产耐高温滤料的性能进行了比较。

    The performance of domestic high temperature resistance filter media including aramid and polysulphonamide were compared by experiments .