
fāng xiāng sì yì
  • Sweet perfumes are diffused all around
芳香四溢[fāng xiāng sì yì]
  1. 玫瑰(RosarugosaThunb.)是蔷薇科蔷薇属的一种重要的观赏植物,花型秀美,芳香四溢,色彩绚丽。

    Rose ( Rosa rugosa Thunb . ) is an important ornamental plant of rosaceous , with beautiful and fragrant flowers .

  2. 空气清香剂为您创造一个芳香四溢的美好环境。

    The air freshener furnishes you with fine aromatic surroundings .

  3. 这款芳香四溢的酒可在出产后立即饮用。

    This highly aromatic wine can be drunk young .

  4. 进入桂花公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;

    The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees .

  5. 它是今年的第一朵玫瑰,硕大、娇艳、芳香四溢。

    It was the first rose of the year , big , red and heavy-scented .

  6. 配搭嘎嘣脆豆芽,吃一口芳香四溢的油饭,所有的味道都汇集在一起了。

    With crunchy bean sprouts , the fragrant , oily rice brings all the flavours together .

  7. 它来的时候,我们只记得明朗的天空、碧绿的田野,还有芳香四溢的花朵

    It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies , green fields , and sweet-smelling flowers ,

  8. 兵的爱怪怪的却是甜甜的,芳香四溢。

    Soldier has a strange love , but it is pleasantly sweet , all round spread with fragrance of love .

  9. 最后,父亲要她饮一口咖啡。尝着芳香四溢的咖啡,她微笑起来。

    Finally , he asked her to sip the coffee . She smiled , as she tasted its rich aroma .

  10. 路不长,却弥漫着芳香四溢的花香,常待之,浓烈的花香令人倦怠。

    Road not long , but filled with the aromas of flowers , often to be the , strong scent is burnout .

  11. 她临别时,我告诉她说,采一束玫瑰装点你的闺房吧,芳香四溢。

    And for that reason I told her at her departure that she should pick a bunch of roses to grace her boudoir .

  12. 童年,是一朵芳香四溢的鲜花;是一个装满小秘密的盒子;是一个充满欢声笑语的梦。

    Childhood , is an aromatic flowers overflowing ; is a box full of little secret ; is a dream full of laughter .

  13. 从市内到该公园,驱车只需很短时间。此时正值芳香四溢的春天,公园内樱桃树、梅树、杜鹃花和其他的观赏类植物都开花了。

    Just a short drive from downtown , the park is at its most fragrant in spring , when the cherry trees , plum trees , azaleas and other ornamentals are blooming .

  14. 即使在土地贫瘠地带,夹竹桃也能长出芳香四溢的漂亮花朵,而动物一般会本能地避开夹竹桃。因其生长速度快,所以常常被用于高速公路护栏及其它噪声、污染隔离区。

    Even in barren areas , the oleander produces lovely flowers and fragrance . Animals instinctively avoid the plant , and it grows rapidly , so it 's often used for highway barriers and other areas that require screening from noise and pollution .