
  • 网络PPTA-pulp;ppta pulp
  1. 对位芳纶浆粕及其绝缘纸的生产和应用

    The production and the applications of PPTA-pulp and PPTA paper in China

  2. 芳纶浆粕纤维在橡胶制品中的应用

    Application of PPTA-Pulp to Rubber Products

  3. 新型芳纶浆粕短纤维补强CR复合材料结构与性能的研究

    Structure and properties of new aramid pulp short fibre / CR composite

  4. 纸浆蔗渣酶法水解反应过程的考察芳纶浆粕纤维及其造纸

    Study on the process of enzymatic hydrolysis for paper pulp bagasse cellulose

  5. 芳纶浆粕增强橡胶无石棉垫片密封的制备及性能研究

    Manufacture of Kevlar Pulp - reinforced Rubber Sheet Gasket Materials

  6. 水介质对碳纤维/芳纶浆粕摩阻复合材料性能的影响

    Effects of moisture in carbon fiber / kevlar pulp reinforced friction material

  7. 间位芳纶浆粕结构的表征及芳纶热压纸的物理性能

    Characterization of Structure of PMIA-Pulp and Its Impact on Hot-Pressed Aramid Paper Properties

  8. 芳纶浆粕型纤维的性能与应用开发

    The properties and development in application of aramid pulp

  9. 结果表明:芳纶浆粕纤维能够大幅度提高环氧树脂的摩擦磨损性能;

    Incorporation of Kevlar pulp into epoxy improves the friction and wear property considerably .

  10. 铜纤维/芳纶浆粕混杂增强摩擦材料的冲击性能研究

    Studies on Impact Strength of Friction Materials Reinforced by Aramid Pulp and Copper Fiber

  11. 干摩擦和水润滑条件下芳纶浆粕/环氧树脂复合材料摩擦磨损性能研究

    Friction and Wear Properties of Kevlar Pulp Reinforced Epoxy Composites under Dry Sliding and Water Lubrication

  12. 用于化纤制造中的过滤芳纶浆粕纤维的结构性能与应用

    Filtration in Fibre Production Applications

  13. 造纸用高性能合成纤维浆粕性能的表征芳纶浆粕纤维增强尼龙材料的结构与性能研究

    The Characterization of High Performance Fiber for Papermaking Study on Structure and Property of PPTA-pulp / PA6 Composite

  14. 与此同时,芳纶浆粕纤维在橡胶制品中的分散技术也得到了发展。

    At the same time , the technologies of dispersing pulp in the rubber has also been developed .

  15. 芳纶浆粕是芳纶的一种差别化产品,广泛用作填充、增强材料。

    PPTA pulp is one of the differential products of PPTA fiber which is widely used as fillers and reinforcements .

  16. 本文以丁腈橡胶改性酚醛树脂为基体,以碳纤维和芳纶浆粕为填料,制备摩阻材料。

    A friction composite was prepared using modified phenolic resin as matrix , Carbon fiber / Kevlar pulp as filler .

  17. 结果表明,聚丙烯腈浆粕增强的无石棉橡胶密封板具有优异的综合性能,在绝大多数工况下,可取代石棉及芳纶浆粕增强橡胶密封板。

    The results showed that the non-asbestos rubber gasket sheet reinforced provided excellent combined properties and PAN pulp could be used as asbestos and aramid pulps in majority working condition .

  18. 采用芳纶浆粕预处理方法专利技术对芳纶浆粕超细短纤维表面进行改性处理,制备在橡胶基质中纤维分散性良好的芳纶浆粕预分散体。

    An aramid pulp ( AP ) predispersion with short fibre well-dispersed in rubber matrix was prepared by modifying the surface of the AP superfine short fibre with the proprietary AP pretreating technology .

  19. 芳纶浆粕是聚己内酰胺的α成核剂,复合材料的维卡热变形温度大幅度提高,熔体粘度增加,但粘流活化能不变。

    PPTA pulp is a good a crystal nucleus of nylon 6 . The hot deformation temperature of the compound increases , the viscosity of the melt of the compound increases , but the activation energy is constant .

  20. 研究了芳纶浆粕纤维增强环氧复合材料在干摩擦和水润滑条件下的摩擦磨损性能,探讨了纤维含量对复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响,并分析了复合材料的磨损机理。

    Friction and wear behavior of Kevlar pulp reinforced epoxy composites against stainless steel under dry sliding and water lubrication was evaluated . Effects of Kevlar pulp content on tribological properties of the composites were investigated and wear mechanisms were discussed .

  21. 芳纶复合帘线及芳纶浆粕在子午线轮胎中的应用

    Application of complex aramid cord and aramid pulp in radial tire

  22. 详细论述了芳纶纤维成纤的一步法工艺、两步法工艺及芳纶浆粕纤维的制备方法。

    A detailed description of one-step , two-step processes and the production process for poly ( p-phenylene terephthalamide )( PPTA ) pulp fiber was given .

  23. 结果表明,芳纶短纤维增强复合材料在开炼机上混炼时,芳纶短纤维易劈裂和原纤化,其作用与芳纶浆粕相同,但短纤维更易于混炼。

    The results showed that like aramid pulp , the aramid short fibre tended to split and fibrillate when the aramid short fibre reinforced composite was mixed on a mill .

  24. 利用芳纶短纤维增强天然橡胶耐磨材料,研究了纤维含量、长度和纤维粘合处理、混炼工艺等因素对短纤维复合材料性能的影响及芳纶浆粕和短纤维增强复合材料的热老化性能。

    Natural rubber wear resistant material was reinforced with aramid short fiber . The effects of fiber loading , length and adhesion treatment , milling process on the properties of the materials and the thermal aging property of aramid pulp and short fiber composites were investigated .