
  • 网络Multivariate Statistical Analysis;Multivariate Analysis
  1. 多变量统计分析在时间生物学方面的进展

    Advances in multivariate statistical analysis for chronobiology

  2. 应用传统的多变量统计分析方法,由于他们没有考虑到不同模态之间的相关性,所以有可能导致得出错误的监测结果。

    The traditional multivariate statistical analysis method is not considering to the correlation among many modes , so it may have wrong monitoring results .

  3. 基于5-氨基乙酰丙酸的SD大鼠结肠组织荧光光谱多变量统计分析方法研究

    Study of a Multivariate Statistical 5-ALA-Based Discrimination Method for Fluorescence Spectra of Colonic Tissue of SD Rats

  4. 在波长为210~400nm范围内,对样品进行全波长扫描,扫描数据经傅里叶变换,采用目标因子分析法(TFA)和最小二乘(LS)回归分析法进行多变量统计分析。

    To make a full spectrum scan to samples in 210 to 400 nm wavelength . The scan data with fourier transform was made multi variable statistical analysis through target factor analysis and least squares regression analysis .

  5. 现代人体测量学建模方法以多变量统计分析为基础。

    Modern anthropometric human modeling is based on multivariate methods .

  6. 多变量统计分析中独立变量数目的判定方法

    Determination of Independent Variable Number in Multi-Variable Statistical Analysis

  7. 慈溪市表层土壤养分与重金属的多变量统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Nutrients Variables and Heavy Metals in Surface Soils of Cixi County

  8. 传统的多变量统计分析方法,主要是指主成分分析方法、因子分析方法等我们常说的多元统计分析方法。

    Traditional multivariable analysis method mainly includes Principal component analysis method , Factor analysis method that we usually talk of .

  9. 方法:运用相关性研究、回顾性队列研究、多变量统计分析、因果判断和实验研究方法。

    Methods : Correlation study , retrospective cohort studies , multivariate analysis , determination of cause and effect , laboratorial test .

  10. 多变量统计分析结果:三种胡子鲶种间具有明显的间断,正判率均为100%;

    Multivariate statistics between species resulted in a 100 % correct classification with apparent morphological gaps , and between two population of C.

  11. 而结构方程模型是一种多变量统计分析方法,是多元回归和因子分析技术的结合体,其优势之一就是能分析和处理带有隐变量的实际问题。

    Nevertheless , as a combination of multi-regression and factor analysis , structural equation model is a multi - variables statistical analysis mean .

  12. 所以,本文从稳健统计的角度出发,把稳健统计的思想加入到多变量统计分析方法中。

    Because Traditional mean vector and covariance matrix are not robust estimator , this dissertation combines ideas of robust statistics with multivariable analysis method from robust statistics aspect .

  13. 应用等级聚类与非线性多维标度排序两种多变量统计分析方法研究了深圳湾潮间带底栖动物群落结构的时空变化。

    The spatio temporal variation law of benthic community structure at Shenzhen Bay was studied , by using two multivariate statistic analytical techniques , Hierarchical Clustering and No metric MDS .

  14. 本文选取27个指标作为西部地区11个省(市、自治区)的综合实力评价的原始指标,运用因子多变量统计分析法对27个指标数据进行分析处理,得到5个公因子。

    Choosing 27 variable act as primitive variable or index of 11 western provinces which were analyzed for comprehensive power , after analyzing 27 variable with factor analysis of multivariable , we chose 5 public factors .

  15. 数据应以单变量和多变量统计进行分析。

    The data are analysed by univariate and multivariate statistics .

  16. 溶解氧与反映啤酒抗氧化性的迟滞时间相关显著。使用多变量统计方法,分析反映老化推动力和抗氧化力的各种参数,建立成品啤酒风味老化模型。

    And dissolved oxygen has a significant correlation with the antioxidant index of lag time , . Parameters and indices of aging impulse force and anti-oxidation are analyzed by multivariate methods , to set up a model of aging in bottled beer .

  17. 在研究了现阶段主流的稳健多变量分析方法基础上,介绍了几种常用的多变量统计分析方法的算法。

    Base on the study of current robust multivariable analysis methods , some algorithms of robust multivariable analysis methods which are used often are introduced .