
  • 网络much;DORCAS;Doga
  1. 在约帕,多加把衣服分给贫穷的人。

    In Joppa , Dorcas distributed garments to the poor .

  2. 依从她的榜样,结果,在教会历史上,就出现很多“多加社会关怀团体”,延续她的精神。

    As a result of her example , there were numerous " Dorcas societies " in the history of the Christian church as a way of perpetuating her memory .

  3. 拉好小提琴需要多加练习。

    It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well .

  4. 今后请多加小心。

    Please be more careful in future .

  5. 对此要多加小心。

    Take great care of it .

  6. 你的这篇文章还得多加润饰才能交得出手。

    You 're going to have to do a lot more work on this essay before it 's presentable .

  7. 先前工作中学到的技能能为现在所用的就多加利用。

    Use the transferable skills acquired from your previous working background

  8. 他将签订一个个人担保,以此为贷款多加一层保障。

    He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan .

  9. 如果不多加注意,你就会失去女孩般的苗条身段。

    You 'll lose your girlish figure if you don 't watch out .

  10. 烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。

    Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry .

  11. 只有手不发抖并多加练习才能画出完美的线条。

    It takes a very steady hand and plenty of practice to paint a perfect line .

  12. “要多加小心!”——“一定会的,爸爸。再见。”

    ' Be careful ! ' — ' Sure thing , Dad . So long . '

  13. 多加练习,我们就能成为一支难以战胜的球队。

    More practice will make us a hard team to beat .

  14. 请你多加指导。

    It is hoped you will give us guidance .

  15. 出门在外,要多加小心。

    Look after yourself when you 're away from home .

  16. 惟其知者甚少,故须多加宣传。

    It 's precisely because very few people know about it that we must publicise it .

  17. 但我总是会给她的其他孩子多加一包。

    But I always added one more bag for her other children .

  18. 在阿里扎提出要被交易时,在答应之前,他曾经数次要求对方多加考虑

    Smith urged Ariza to retract his trade request and be patient several times before finally acquiescing .

  19. 例句在这条狭窄、曲折的路上开车要多加留意。

    Keep your wits about you when driving on this stretch of road – it 's narrow and winding1 .

  20. 一名当地的女老板对那些偷走她路标的人感到很气愤,在路标上多加一个字母g,希望以此来消除小偷的恶念。

    One local business woman , exasperated with people stealing her sign has taken to adding another g in the hope it will deter thieves .

  21. 因此,应该多加关注,减少所使用的Ajax请求的数量。

    As such , great care should be taken to minimize the number of Ajax requests that are employed .

  22. 饮食平衡,大量饮水,多加一个枕头,抗酸剂,H2受体阻断药,医生

    balanced diet , lots of water , extra pillow , antacids , H2 blockers , doctor

  23. 多加关注Twitter公司的上市之路,会对首次公开募股有更加技巧性的认识。

    Pay attention to Twitters road to going public to get a greater sense of the mechanics of an IPO .

  24. 与所有的框架一样,如果不多加小心和注意,RubyonRails也会遭遇性能问题。

    Like all frameworks , Ruby on Rails can suffer from some performance issues without the proper care and attention .

  25. 在清单的第2部分中,我们在php打开标记的前面多加了一个空格,这样也导致一个致命错误。

    In the second part of the listing , we added an extra space before the php opening tag , which also causes a fatal error .

  26. 旧金山劳动发展专家DavidBach说,求职者能对那些热门雇主多加关注,提高自己的竞争优势。

    David Bach , a workforce development specialist in San Francisco , says job seekers can improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing employers .

  27. 以六加成反应为代表的C60的多加成反应已经成为富勒烯化学的一个重要组成部分。

    The multiple addition reactions of fullerenes , represented by hexakis addition reactions of C 60 , are now an important part of fullerene chemistry .

  28. 短期内原油的表现将影响到下游市场的气氛,从而影响PTA市场的心态,有必要对此多加关注。

    Performance of crude oil in the near future will affect the atmosphere of the downstream market , thus affecting the PTA markets State of mind , this is necessary to pay more attention .

  29. 富勒烯聚合物可以显著提高溶解性、相容性和加工性。但是C60与聚合物反应时,通常伴有多种反应中间体和无法避免的多加成反应,难以得到高纯度和结构明确的富勒烯聚合物。

    Synthesis of fullerene polymers with high purity and well-defined structure has been difficult due to the reactive nature of fullerene towards various reaction intermediates and the often unavoidable multiple additions .

  30. 此外,在主要班次期间运行Compact、Updall、Fixup或其他维护任务时要多加小心,因为这可能对资源产生极大影响。

    In addition , exercise care when you run Compact , Updall , Fixup , or other maintenance tasks during prime shift because there can be a large impact on your resources .