
  1. 为什么应将神视为道德权威?

    Why should the gods be viewed as moral authorities ?

  2. 这就是“将神降至你的水平”的意思。

    That 's what is meant by bringing God down to your level .

  3. 当圣经将神成为圣洁之时,原则上是说神是超越的。

    When the Bible calls God holy it means primarily that God is transcendentally separate .

  4. 当你将神放回中心时,你会立时感到平安。

    The moment you put him back at the center , you will have peace again .

  5. 当我们参与神的救赎工作,将神的救恩信息传开,我们就是用金银来建造工程。

    When we share in this work and give out this message , we are building with silver .

  6. 于是撒督和亚比亚他将神的约柜抬回耶路撒冷,他们就住在那里。

    Zadok therefore and Abiathar carried the ark of God again to Jerusalem : and they tarried there .

  7. 思考问题:我如何能将神所赐给我的,发挥得淋漓尽致?

    Question to Consider : How can I make the best use of what God has given me ?

  8. 保罗在那里住了一年零六个月,将神的道教训他们。

    And he continued there a year and six months , teaching the word of God among them .

  9. 神的道是从神的心里来的,将神的意念和爱心带进我们的心里;

    The Word comes from God 's heart , and brings His thoughts and His love into my heart .

  10. 在最后三章中,他脱下手套,将神造论者好好地揍了一顿。

    In the last three chapters , he takes off his gloves and gives the creationists a good beating .

  11. 我们传福音,应当是借着将神分赐到人里面,而执行神的经纶。

    Rather , we should preach the gospel to carry out God 's economy by dispensing God into others .

  12. 圣灵将神自己的心愿吹进我里面,使我能为那些没有基督的人代求。

    The Holy Spirit breathes God 's own desire into me and enables me to intercede for those without Christ .

  13. 非利士人将神的约柜从以便以谢抬到亚实突。

    Now the philistines , having taken the ark of god , took it with them from eben-ezer to ashdod .

  14. 非利士人将神的约柜抬进大衮庙,放在大衮的旁边。

    They took the ark of God into the house of Dagon and put it by the side of Dagon .

  15. 图中描绘的是部分三十六员天将神和其他神尊。

    The depicted are the thirty-six divine generals and other gods who are altogether making pilgrimage to the Jade Emperor .

  16. 神管家的职分乃是将神的恩典和基督追测不尽的丰富,当作福音分赐到神的子民里面。

    If indeed you have heard of the stewardship of the grace of God which was given to me for you .

  17. 大卫就去,欢欢喜喜地将神的约柜从俄别以东家中抬到大卫的城里。

    So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of obededom into the city of David with gladness .

  18. 也不但替这一国死,并要将神四散的子民,都聚集归一。

    And not for that nation only , but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad .

  19. 约翰便将神的道,和耶稣基督的见证,凡自己所看见的,都证明出来。

    Who bare record of the word of God , and of the testimony of Jesus Christ , and of all things that he saw .

  20. 这是神已经应许的,并且在基督里,且藉着圣灵将神的爱充满在我们心里为要使这件事成为可能。

    It has been promised , it has been made possible in Christ through the Holy Spirit filling the heart with the love of God .

  21. 13:7他们将神的约柜从亚比拿达的家里抬出来,放在新车上。乌撒和亚希约赶车。

    And they carried the ark of God in a new cart out of the house of Abinadab : and Uzza and Ahio drave the cart .

  22. 基督执行先知的职分,在于借着祂的道与圣灵,将神的旨意启示我们,为要叫我们得救。

    Christ executes the office of a prophet in revealing to us , by His Word and Spirit , the will of God for our salvation .

  23. 他们将神的真实变为虚谎,去敬拜事奉受造之物,不敬奉那造物的主。主乃是可称颂的,直到永远。

    Who changed the truth of God into a lie , and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator , who is blessed for ever .

  24. 盼望不至于羞耻,因为所赐给我们的圣灵将神的爱浇灌在我们心里。

    And hope maketh not ashamed ; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us .

  25. 为此我提醒你,使你将神借我按手所给你的恩赐,再如火挑旺起来。

    For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God , which is in you through the laying on of my hands .

  26. 然而,最大的讽刺是,你们全都将神的话语视为如此重要,反而轻视经验。

    Now the supreme irony here is that you have all placed so much importance on the Word of God , and so little on the experience .

  27. 他们将神的约柜从冈上亚比拿达的家里抬出来,放在新车上;亚比拿达的两个儿子乌撒和亚希约赶这新车。

    And they carried the ark of God on a new cart and brought it out of the house of Abinadab , which was on the hill .

  28. 他们将神的约柜从冈上亚比拿达家里抬出来的时候,亚希约在柜前行走。

    And they brought it out of the house of Abinadab which was at gibeah , accompanying the ark of god : and ahio went before the ark .

  29. 接著,神的灵进入他里面(二2)。神的灵是他的得力源头;神的灵也将神的信息传给以西结。

    Next , the Spirit of God came upon him . ( 2:2 ) The Spirit of God was his source of strength and the communicator of God 's message to Ezekiel .

  30. 众人将神的约柜请进去,安放在大卫所搭的帐幕里,就在神面前献燔祭和平安祭。

    Then they took in the ark of God and put it inside the tent which David had put up for it ; and they made offerings , burned offerings and peace-offerings before god .