
  • 网络Caesarea
  1. 这个节目聚焦在数个地点,其中包括该撒利亚港。

    The show focuses on several places , including the Harbor at Caesarea .

  2. 后来希律离开犹太,下该撒利亚去,住在那里。

    And he went down from Judea to Caesarea and spent time there .

  3. 13过了些日子、亚基帕王、和百尼基氏、来到该撒利亚、问非斯都安。

    A few days later King Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus .

  4. 1在该撒利亚有一个人,名叫哥尼流,是义大利营的百夫长。

    At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius , a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment .

  5. 神把腓利送到了亚锁,所到之处均留下了神的福音,直到该撒利亚。

    Philip was then transported by God to Azotus and he preached in all the cities until he got to Caesarea .

  6. 后来有人在亚锁都遇见腓利,他走遍那地方,在各城宣传福音,直到该撒利亚。

    But Philip was found at Azotus : and passing through he preached in all the cities , till he came to Caesarea .

  7. 非斯都却回答说、保罗押在该撒利亚、我自己快要往那里去。

    But festus , in answer , said that Paul was being kept in prison at caesarea , and that in a short time he himself was going there .

  8. 耶稣到了该撒利亚腓立比的境内,就问门徒说,人说我人子是谁。

    Now when Jesus had come into the parts of Caesarea philippi , he said , questioning his disciples , who do men say that the son of man is ?

  9. 22在该撒利亚下了船,就上耶路撒冷去问教会安,随后下安提阿去。三大宗教都认为耶路撒冷是亚伯拉罕的殉难地。

    22 When he landed at Caesarea , he went up and greeted the church and then went down to Antioch . It is recognized by all three religions as the site of Abraham 's sacrifice .