
  1. “也许我们该派个人去找他”

    " Perhaps we should send someone to look for him . "

  2. 我该派你去对付那些我不喜欢的家伙。

    I 'm gonna send you after people that I don 't like .

  3. 实际上,该派仍然被继续误读。

    As a matter of fact , this school continues to be misinterpreted .

  4. 这下我该派谁去找他呢?

    Who am I to send searching after him ?

  5. 不是该派技工来修吗?

    Shouldn 't they send repair guys ?

  6. 我觉得该派个人保护她。

    I want a guard on her .

  7. 规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式。

    A normative grammar of a language describe how its author think the language shall is speak or write .

  8. 接着,对该派的界域及代表作家等给予了简要说明。

    Then , the paper gives a brief introduction to the boundary of this school and its representative writers .

  9. 该派主要集中于研究生、博士生等高级阶段学术论文等的分析和研究。

    The school focused on post-graduate , doctoral and other academic papers such as the advanced stage of analysis and research .

  10. 本文对荒诞派戏剧产生的背景以及该派戏剧的共同特征作了简单的介绍。

    The Theatre of the Absurd , which was born in France in1950s , toppled over the conception of traditional plays .

  11. 属于或关于基督教派的,该派信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的。

    Relating to or being a Christian Church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the4 gospels .

  12. 我听到上帝的声音说到我该派谁去,谁愿意替我们去呢?

    Also I heard the voice of the Lord , saying , Whom shall I send , and who will go for us ?

  13. 唐湜是一位九叶诗派诗人,该派在学术界被称作智性现代派。

    Tang Shi is one of the poets in the school of JiuYe , which is called Modern Brightness School in the academe .

  14. 然而,该派理论在受到诸多赞誉的同时,也遭到了不少学者的批评、质疑和误解。

    However , together with a large amount of praises , the theory has been criticized , questioned and even misunderstood by many experts .

  15. “嗨,我得想想投资煤矿赚的三千块钱该派什么用场啊,对不对?”

    " Why , I have to find work for the thirty thousand that comes out of the coal , have n 't I ?"

  16. 克里姆特是维也纳分离派运动的元老,许多人将该派艺术视为“青年风格”,即德国与中欧的“新艺术运动”。

    Klimt was a founder of the Vienna Secession art movement that for many became synonymous with jugendstil , the German and central European version of art nouveau .

  17. 但积久以来,该派的创作原则、艺术风格、历史地位、深远影响并没有引起人们的足够关注和应有重视。

    For a long time , enough attention or importance has hardly been paid to its principal of creation , artistic style , historical place and profound influence .

  18. 功能学派重视从语言的功能方面研究不同的语言形式。对于被动态的研究该派主要从其具有的语篇功能、人际功能方面等进行研究。

    However , the functionalists value the study of different language forms from the perspective of language functions aiming at the textual and interpersonal functions of passive voice .

  19. 更厉害的是亚里士多德学派的幸福观对它构成的挑战,该派认为幸福只体现在完善哲学观念中的美好生活。

    Nearer to home it was challenged by the Aristotelian eudemonia , which valued happiness only so far as it contributed to the philosophical idea of a good life .

  20. 本论文的研究对象&汤化龙,作为该派的重要领袖,其政治生涯则与上述过程相始终。

    Tang Hualong , the research object of this dissertation , was an important leader of the political group , whose political career also began and ended with that movement .

  21. 对越中派的研究,有利于进一步梳理澄清明代戏曲理论史和戏曲文学史发展的脉络和轮廓,并促进人们对该派的了解和发现。

    The research into this school can further crystallize the history of drama theory history of both Qing and Ming Dynasty and promote people 's understanding and discovery of this school .

  22. 明代复古派之所以能够发动声势浩大、旷日持久的文学复古运动,其中一个重要因素是该派始终坚持文学本体的立场。

    One of important factors contributing to the powerful and long-drawn-out movement in literary revivalism by the revivalists in Ming Dynasty is that they took a firm stand in literary ontology .

  23. 然而,要彻底地考察象山学派的文学思想及其作品的意义,却不是一件容易的事情,因为该派所有的文学思想都是与其心学思想紧紧结合在一起的。

    Nevertheless , because the literary thoughts of Xiangshan School have a close relationship with xin philosophy , it will be a thorny thing to investigate their literary thoughts and their writings completely .

  24. 该派文学发展了19世纪现实主义的叙述风格,从不同的立场和视角表现了战后英国社会的经济、政治、文化、道德、伦理等各个方面。

    The school developed the realistic style of the 19th century , showing from different standpoints and perspectives the economy , politics , culture , morals , and ethics of the post-war English society .

  25. 该派处于残酷的战争环境、自由的学术空间和建构民族新文化的人文语境的背景中。

    Although living and working in the brutal war environment , this school of scholars had a relatively free academic space and humanistic context background which is beneficial to constructing a new national culture .

  26. 这派人大多是军人,阿拉克切耶夫属于该派,他们所想所说的都是没有信念,但又希望像有信念的普通人所想和所说的。

    The members of this party to which Araktcheev belonged were mostly not military men , and they spoke and reasoned as men usually do who have no convictions , but wish to pass for having them .

  27. 造成这种强烈反差现象的主要原因是罗洛深受七月诗派理论的影响和我们的文学批评对该派理论的反思不够。

    The main cause of this kind of strikingly contrasting phenomenon is that Rollo is deeply influenced by the theory of the July school . This cause requires our literary critics to reconsider this school of theory .

  28. 长久以来,布拉格学派的形象一直为其语言学流派的身份所主导,以至于人们在一定程度上轻视、甚至忽视了该派作为文论流派的另一重身份。

    For a long time , the image of Prague School has been occupied by its identity as a linguistic school , so that people to some extent despised , or even ignored its another identity as a genre of literary theory .

  29. 该派自称雅各宾党,是在19世纪60年代革命运动的影响下,在70年代到民间去运动失败后,为寻找新的革命出路而产生的一个革命派别。

    Describing itself as the Jacob Party , the faction was a revolutionary group under the influence of the revolutionary movement in the 1860s and seeking a new revolutionary outlet after the defeat of the movement to " go to the folks " in the 1870s .

  30. 该派学者认为,翻译是一种有目的的交际行为,译者有权根据特定的翻译目的,及译文在译语文化中的预期功能调整自己的翻译策略。

    The German School scholars hold that translation is a purposeful communicative action , in which the translators are entitled to decide on the translation strategies according to the specific translation purpose and the intended function of the target text in the target culture and environment .