
  1. 该舞是用来向拳击手的师父致敬。

    The dance is in honor of the boxers ' teachers .

  2. 这架飞机去年开始投入运营,航空公司称,该舞团代表了“台湾文化的佼佼者”。

    The airline unveiled it last year , saying the troupe represented the " pinnacle of Taiwan culture . "

  3. 过去一年该舞团凭藉其不同寻常的豪华装备而日渐成名:多台音箱、麦克风、一套架子鼓,还有萨克斯和其他乐器,以及一系列令人印象深刻的舞服和道具。

    Over the past year , it has become famous for its unusually elaborate set-up : a sound system comprised of multiple speakers , microphones , a drum kit , saxophone and other instruments , plus an impressive array of costumes and props .

  4. ThetaNuTheta的老手们想要给这些雏儿们看看该怎么舞

    The prophytes of Theta Nu Theta wanna show these neos how it 's done .

  5. 那你和你的孩子该到别的脱衣舞夜总会去了。

    The Cigarette Smoking Guy : ( No , not the Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files . ) Well , maybe you and your baby should go to another strip club .