
  • 网络how many children
  1. 为了达到研究目的,Lyubomirsky博士在四个不同的年份分别询问了6906个美国人四个不同的问题,这四个问题分别是:受访者有多少个孩子;

    For the purposes of her research , Dr Lyubomirsky looked at the answers 6906 Americans had given , in four different years , to four particular questions . These were : how many children the responder had ;

  2. 只有上帝知道他有多少个孩子。

    He 's had God knows how many children .

  3. 只有一个问题,多少个孩子。

    The only question in my mind is how many .

  4. 每天有多少个孩子出生?

    How many children are born every day ?

  5. 一个班级有多少个孩子?

    How many children are in a class ?

  6. 问我家一共有多少个孩子?

    How many children in my family ?

  7. 将来结婚之后想生多少个孩子?不知道。

    How many children do you want after you 've married ? Don 't know yet .

  8. 在这里,和女人聊天的方式一般就是问对方有多少个孩子。

    And it 's a way of talking to women to say how many children do you have ?

  9. 我的兄弟姐妹一样多,但是我的每个兄弟的姐妹数是兄弟数的两倍。问我家一共有多少个孩子?

    I have as many brothers as sisters , but each of my brothers has twice the number of sisters as brothers .

  10. 据美联社报道,与法国和英国不同,加拿大和美国都没有官方的法律条文来规定一名捐精者最多可以孕育多少个孩子。

    Unlike in some countries such as France and Britain , there are no laws in either Canada or the United States officially limiting the number of children who can be born from a single donor .

  11. 其他人很想知道我把多少收入用于慈善事业;有些家里孩子多的人问我养了多少个穷困的孩子。

    Others have been curious to learn what portion of my income I devoted to charitable purposes ; and some , who have large families , how many poor children I maintained .