
  • 网络Moro;Molech;moloch;Morrow
  1. 美国和西方国家把摩洛,尤其是邻近的玛尼,当作对抗西非穆斯林扩散的有力武器,NPR新闻。

    The White house and west regard Moro as boom against spread of radical Muslim in West Africa , especially neighboring Mani , NPR news .

  2. 西非国家总统今天在国家电视亮相,告诉国民被士兵不小心击中之后他现在安然无恙。NPR报道,最初,摩洛族视频报道总统已经逃脱暗杀阴谋。

    The president of West African country went to national TV today to reassure the country that he is all right after being shot accidentally by its own soldiers.NPR reports initially , Moro state video reported president has escaped assassination attempt .

  3. 菲律宾摩洛人与泰南马来穆斯林的分离主义运动比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the Philippines 's Moro and Thailand 's Malay Muslim Separatist Movements

  4. 毛里求斯很快纠正广播上枪声的说法,摩洛领导人手臂上的伤并非他人有意所为。

    The communication Mauritian was quickly correct the broadcast saying the gunshot which apparently hit Moro leader in the arm was not intentional .

  5. 不可使你的儿女经火归与摩洛,也不可亵渎你神的名。

    Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech , for you must not profane the name of your God .

  6. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,加州摩洛岩石保护区的这只灰松鼠对游客们的零食来者不拒。

    The grey squirrel in Morro Rock Park , California just can 't say no to a snack from visitors , the Daily Mail reported .

  7. 你们抬着为自己所造之摩洛的帐幕,和偶像的龛,并你们的神星。

    But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images , the star of your god , which ye made to yourselves .

  8. 在东南亚,欧洲殖民者把那些在16世纪作为进入者与他们竞争的穆斯林叫做马来人、摩洛族、印第安人以及阿拉伯商人。

    In Southeast Asia the European colonialists used to describe and call Muslims-Malays , Moros , Indians and Arab traders who compete with them as pirates in the16th century .

  9. 我就要向这人和他的家变脸,把他和一切随他与摩洛行邪淫的人都从民中剪除。

    Then my face will be turned against him and his family , and he and all those who do evil with him will be cut off from among their people .

  10. 又污秽欣嫩子谷的陀斐特,不许人在那里使儿女经火献给摩洛。

    He desecrated Topheth , which was in the Valley of Ben Hinnom , so no one could use it to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire to Molech .

  11. 我就要向那人和他的家板着脸,把他和一切随从他变节(原文作∶行邪淫)的、就是变节去服事摩洛的人、都从他的族人中剪除掉。

    I will set my face against that man and his family and will cut off from their people both him and all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molech .

  12. 从上世纪七十年代成立第一个摩洛反抗组织开始,马尼拉历届政府就一直寻找解决办法,与摩洛组织签订了众多协议。

    Successive governments in Manila have been finding solutions to this issue , such as signing mass agreements since the first Moro rebel organization was be founded in 70s of 20th century .

  13. 摘要菲律宾独立后的40年中,聚居于南部的穆斯林摩洛人在现代化和国家整合的双重挤压下,其社会经济的边缘化日益加剧。

    During the40 years after the Philippines became independent the moros-muslim Filipinos in the southern philippines-were marginalized economically and socially progressively due to the double pressure of modernization and national integration program .

  14. 7所罗门为摩押可憎的神基抹和亚扪人可憎的神摩洛,在耶路撒冷对面的山上建筑邱坛。

    Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh , the abomination of Moab , in the hill that is before Jerusalem , and for Molech , the abomination of the children of Ammon .

  15. 你们抬着摩洛的帐幕,和理番神的星。就是你们所造为要敬拜的像。

    Yea , ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch , and the star of your god Remphan , figures which ye made to worship them : and I will carry you away beyond Babylon .

  16. 我也要向那人变脸,把他从民中剪除,因为他把儿女献给摩洛,玷污我的圣所,亵渎我的圣名。

    I will set my face against that man and I will cut him off from his people ; for by giving his children to Molech , he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name .

  17. 同时,对阿基诺三世上台后摩洛问题的发展前景作出预测并提出相关建议,以期能对中国处理主体民族和少数群体之间关系提供借鉴。

    Meanwhile this paper would predict the future of the Anti-government Movement after Aquino III came to power and make related suggestions in order to take it as reference for China to deal with the relations between the main ethnic group and the minorities .

  18. 2你还要对以色列人说,凡以色列人,或是在以色列中寄居的外人,把自己的儿女献给摩洛的,必要被处死;本地的人要用石头把他打死。

    Moreover you shall say to the children of israel , anyone of the children of Israel or of the sojourners who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech shall surely be put to death ; the people of the land shall stone him with stones .