
mó suō
  • stroke;caress;gently stroke


mā sa
  • gently stroke
摩挲 [mā sā]
  • [gently stroke] 用手轻按着并一下一下地抚摩

  • [caress;stroke] 用手抚摩

  • 与一老公共摩挲铜人。--《后汉书.蓟子训传》

摩挲[mā sa]
摩挲[mó suō]
  1. 她紧张地用手指摩挲着头发。

    She ran her fingers nervously through her hair .

  2. 她不爱摩摩挲挲的。

    She 's not very physical .

  3. 我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。

    I rubbed the velvety grooves inside the calf 's ears .

  4. 你把这件衣服上的褶子摩挲摩挲。

    Smooth the wrinkles out of this shirt , please .

  5. 你是怎么把他给摩挲顺了的?

    How did you get him to quiet down ?

  6. 你让他洗把脸,他好歹一摩挲。

    When you tell him to wash his face , he just gives it a wipe .

  7. 要是打赢了,我就摩挲怀念感回来。

    I 'll come straight home if it 's a win .

  8. 柔滑的发丝摩挲枕际。

    Your hair is smooth On the pillow where you lie .

  9. 我伸手在妈妈的手臂上摩挲起来。

    I reached out and stroked my mother 's arm .

  10. 我们用手摩挲着这块布。

    We passed our hands over the fabric .

  11. 他用手摩挲着下巴。

    He rubbed his chin with his hand .

  12. 摩挲着那套时尚的裙子,妻子爱不释手。

    Touching the fashionable skirt , my wife showed a deepest affection to it .

  13. 在这孤寂的钟声和这�我以手指摩挲的空白纸页之外。

    Beside the clock 's loneliness And this blank page where my fingers move .

  14. 孩子们一般都很喜欢摩挲人。

    Children tend to be very physical .

  15. 萨姆摩挲着谢了顶的光头思忖着。

    Sam rubbed his bald head thoughtfully .

  16. 丹若有所思地摩挲着下巴。

    Dan rubbed his chin thoughtfully .

  17. 我还记得,在柳树阴凉下刚刚成长的花儿,享受着枝条轻柔的摩挲。

    I remember the tender flowers laid in the shade of the willow enjoying the branches'gentle stroke .

  18. 我注视着你读书,注视着你摩挲着自己的头发,好像你知道这每次都让我很受伤。

    I watch you read and twirl your hair as if you know how much it hurts me every time .

  19. 晚上睡觉的时候马奎斯就贴着树干,用自己称之为近乎于情欲的方式摩挲树皮。

    At night Marquis slept close to the trunks of trees , touching the bark in a way that she describes as almost carnal .

  20. 《飘叶》叶芝秋天摩挲着恋世的叶子飘然而至轻抚麦捆中蜷缩起身子的田鼠;

    The falling of the leaves Yeats Autumn is over the long leaves that love us , And over the mice in the barley sheaves ;

  21. 贝拉摩挲着手掌跟在后面,这次保持了一点距离,她们往迷宫一样的砖房里越走越深。

    Rubbing her hand , her pursuer followed again , keeping her distance now , as they moved deeper into the deserted labyrinth of brick houses .

  22. 本文通过对摩挲营花岗岩体的流动构造研究,查明了岩浆侵位时流动空间的形态。

    By the study of flow structures shown by orientated phenocrysts and some enclaves in Mosuoying Granite , the form of emplaced space of the magma is inferred .

  23. 用手轻轻的摩挲她的面颊,用手指抚弄他的头发,来一个轻轻的拥抱,温柔的握紧他的手,或是一个蜻蜓点水的吻。

    Brush your hand softly on her cheek , run your fingers through his hair , give a soft hug , a gentle squeeze of the hand , or a quick kiss .

  24. 她从屋里出来后,递给我一封信。由于天长日久,那信已经褪色发黄,信封边已经磨损,好像曾被摩挲过好多次。

    When she came back she handed me a letter , faded and yellow with age , the edges of the envelope worn and frayed as though it had been much handled .

  25. 牵手也可以让人兴奋,如果你足够幸运能获得一个他著名的后背摩挲,那么把你下午的计划都给取消了吧。

    Holding hands is as exciting as anything , and if you 're lucky enough to score one of his world-famous back rubs , cancel your plans for the rest of the afternoon .

  26. 金币很凉,他用手指摩挲着它们体会着黄金表面的平滑,这时他听到了呻吟的声音…

    The coins were cool to his touch , and he felt the smoothness of the metal as he rubbed the coins between his fingers . And that was when he heard the moaning ...

  27. 她用手在座椅的一条横木上来回摩挲着,手指爱抚地摸着光滑的木头,油漆磨掉的地方木料的质感不同。

    She moves a hand back and forth on a slat of the seat she is sitting on , her fingers caressing the smooth timber , the texture different where the paint has worn away .