
  • 网络artificial neural network
  1. 应用BP人工神经网络技术划分水土流失等级

    Dividing of Soil and Water Loss Grade with BP Artificial Neural Network

  2. 应用经济预警理论并结合人工神经网络技术建立了社保基金投资风险BP神经网络预警模型;

    The early-warning model of investment risk is established chiefly by combining economic early warning with artificial neural network .

  3. 基于GIS和人工神经网络技术的开采沉陷预计建模方法

    Prediction Model of Exploitation Sink Using Ann and GIS

  4. 对人工神经网络技术进行了简单的介绍,重点介绍了BP网络。

    Besides , it briefly introduced artificial neural networks , especially BP networks .

  5. 然后,介绍了人工神经网络技术,其中着重介绍了人工神经网络的预测模型以及BP网络的结构特点和相关算法,并具体阐述了利用BP网络建立温度预测模型过程中网络训练的问题。

    Then it introduces neural network , especially the prediction model , BP network and algorithm .

  6. 人工神经网络技术与智能化CAPP

    Artificial Neural network technology'and intelligent CAPP

  7. 研究人工神经网络技术如何在股市分析领域的应用,并实现了基于BP算法的网络。

    It also considers the application of artifical neural network in analysis of stock market and implements a network based bp algorithm .

  8. 最后,利用人工神经网络技术,建立了基于Matlab的织物物理性能与热防护性能之间的自适应性神经网络预测模型,并对模型进行仿真及验证。

    Based on Matlab neural network toolbox , BP neural networks using to predict the thermal protective performance of fabrics are developed .

  9. 在缺陷的模式识别上本文将模糊技术和人工神经网络技术相结合,选取模糊BP神经网络学习算法。

    Defects in the pattern recognition fuzzy on this technology and artificial neural network technology , select fuzzy BP neural network learning algorithm .

  10. 介绍了人工神经网络技术的原理、学习与训练方法等内容,以及如何建立BN信号与应力间的关系。

    The principle and algorithm of neural networks , and how to build the relationship between BN and stress .

  11. 本文通过人工神经网络技术对YAG激光打孔的工艺进行了优化,使再铸层厚度从一般情况下的几十个微米降低到十个微米左右。

    The processing parameters of YAG laser drilling were optimized by artificial neural network . The thickness of recast layer was decreased to about 10 micron .

  12. 在常规污染预测研究中,引用人工神经网络技术,应用MATLAB软件建立常规水质预测模型。

    It introduces the artificial neural network technology and applies the MATLAB software to set up the conventional water quality prediction model in the study of the conventional water quality prediction .

  13. 采用不完全微分PID算法实现电解电流的闭环控制,并且应用人工神经网络技术建立系统的施电模型。

    The inexact differential PID algorithm is adopted to implement the closed loop control of the electro chemical dissolution current . The current distribution model on artificial neural network is established .

  14. 基于Visualc++.NET开发平台,运用A参数法结合数字图像处理技术、模式识别与人工神经网络技术,开发成功了高温构件进行寿命预测系统。

    Based on ^ - parameter method incorporated with image processing , pattern recognition and artificial neural network techniques , the life assessment software for high temperature materials with friendly user interface is developed under Visual C + + .

  15. 将人工神经网络技术运用于水质评价,建立了地面水环境质量综合评价的BP网络模型和Hopfield网络模型,并与水质综合评价方法中经典的模糊综合指数法和灰色聚类法进行了比较。

    In this paper , a back propagation network , a Hopfield network , Fuzzy comprehensive index method and classification of gray are compared in application for water quality assessment .

  16. 为了提高番茄损伤检测与分类的准确率和效率,综合运用计算机视觉技术、BP算法、人工神经网络技术,实现番茄损伤的自动检测与分类。

    To improve the accuracy of detection and classification of tomatoes with bruise , computer vision , BP algorithm and artificial neural network technology were synthetically applied to automatically identify and classify the tomatoes with bruise .

  17. 依据人工神经网络技术的功能和特点,采用反向传播算法(BP算法)建立了反映酚醛树脂合成工艺及性能的神经网络模型。

    In accordance with the function and characteristic of artificial neural networks technology , used the antipropagation algorithm ( the BP algorithm ) to establish the reflection phenolics synthesis craft and the performance neural network model .

  18. 基于人工神经网络技术对覆盖件模具表面激光硬化虚拟过程的仿真建模,结合几何因素分析了模型的主要影响参数,对BP网络的结构和训练进行了说明。

    The artificial neural network methodology has been developed for the virtual simulation of the laser surface hardening process for blanket dies . Laser-control parameters and surface geometrical configurations are taken as the main input data .

  19. 研究结果表明,利用GIS支持下的神经网络模型对复杂的开采沉陷系统进行模拟预测,具有理论上的可行性和现实意义,说明GIS和人工神经网络技术在开采沉陷预计领域中具有广阔应用前景。

    Researches show that the ANN prediction model supported by GIS has theoretical feasibility and realistic significance in predicting complex exploitation sink system , and GIS and ANN possess wide application prospects in the prediction of exploitation sink .

  20. 为了提高评价的准确性,采用人工神经网络技术,建立了基于BP神经网络的道路交通安全综合评价模型。

    To enhance the validity of evaluation , based on ANN ( artificial neural network ), a comprehensive evaluation model of the safety of road traffic based on BP ( back propagation ) neural network was built .

  21. 基于传统PID控制和人工神经网络技术,提出一种神经网络PI自适应控制策略,并把它用于一电液非线性伺服系统的位置控制。

    Based on traditional PID control and artificial neural networks technology , a strategy of neural networks PI adaptive control is put forward and applied to the position control of a nonlinear electrohydraulic servo system .

  22. 该文利用人工神经网络技术对黑白图形识别的视觉机制加以模拟,构建了一个两层BP(back-propagation)神经网络模型。

    This study formed a two layer BP ( back propagation ) neural network to simulate the vision mechanism of identifying monochrome image in which the intensity distribution curves of targets and backgrounds were overlapped .

  23. 讨论了三种入侵检测办法,包括误用检测(Misusedetection)、异常检测(anomalydetection)和完整性检测,介绍了人工神经网络技术、专家系统技术以及模式推理技术在IDS中的应用。

    Besides , this chapter proposes three intrusion detection methods ( misuse detection , anomaly detection and integrality test ), and discusses the applications of the artificial neural network technology 、 expert system technology 、 and pattern reasoning technology in the IDS .

  24. 在引入磨粒形态学描述子提取磨损颗粒显微形态特征的基础上,用人工神经网络技术,编制了用于磨损颗粒自动识别的BP网络计算机模拟程序。

    The program of auto identification of wear particles has been made by means of artificial neural network ( ANN ) technique , with which a set of morphology descriptors of wear debris are cited to describe the micro features of wear particles .

  25. 参考有关文献论述了人工神经网络技术在引信信号检测中的应用,重点说明了ANN在消除噪声和抗有源干扰方面的应用,指明了应用于引信技术时应注意的问题及应用前景。

    This paper presents the application of ANN technology in fuze signal detection , especially lis eliminating noises and anti interference . Finally , it also points out the existing problems and its application foreground in fuze signal processing .

  26. 利用人工神经网络技术与ASP技术相结合,将训练好的人工神经网络移植到支持设计的分布式集成信息系统(DIIS)中,实现了Internet上的基于ANN的远程知识检索。

    Applied artificial neural networks and active server pages techniques , migrated the trained ANN into DIIS system ( Distributed Integrated Information System ), a approach for retrieving knowledge in DIIS on Internet is achieved .

  27. 采用人工神经网络技术,建立了城市环境空气质量综合评价的ANN模型,并通过实例对建立的评价模型进行验证。

    ANN model used the comprehensive assessment of city ambient air quality was formulated based on artificial neural networks ( ANN ) technology and the data from coal - economy city , Datong city were used to test this ANN model .

  28. 研究了应用人工神经网络技术实现化工应用系统中的一个控制单元-水循环系统中的故障诊断问题,介绍了在Unix或Windows下的神经网络设计和实现过程。

    The paper studies the problem of falut diagnosis based on ANN in water circulation system which is a control unit in application system of chemical industry , It gives the process of neural network design and its realization in Unix or Windows .

  29. 作者在收集已有观测井地下水位资料的基础上,利用人工神经网络技术中的动量BP算法对上海地区第Ⅲ承压含水层的地下水水位进行了动态预测,结果表明,该法具有较高的预测精度。

    Based on collected data of wells , regime prediction of the groundwater level of wells in the 3rd confined aquifer in Shanghai area has been developed using momentum BP algorithm of artificial neural network . The result indicates that it has higher precision on prediction .

  30. 研制了基于巴氏噪声的曲轴残余应力测试仪,介绍了人工神经网络技术的原理、学习与训练方法等内容,以及如何建立BN信号与应力间的关系。

    An instrument for residual stress of crankshaft was developed on the basis of Barkhausen noise . The principle and algorithm of neural networks , and how to build the relationship between BN and stress .