
  • 网络Walk of Life
  1. 一个静止的平面可以让人品味人生百态。

    A stationary plane can make people taste the complex in life .

  2. 人生百态,爱恨情仇。

    Attitudes of life , love his concubine .

  3. 我们关注的人生百态

    The Life We Care about

  4. 这些能够让你体会到人生百态,与此同时别人也能分享你的世界。

    This will enable you to appreciate the lives of the many different people who share your universe .

  5. 奥德早期的作品是属于现实批判性作品,带有很浓的政治味道,描绘了市井中的人生百态。

    Odd early works are realistic critical works , with a very strong political flavor , depicting the vicissitudes of life in the marketplace .

  6. 通过助者的变化,《哈利·波特》系列从一部老套的英雄历险故事转变为折射现代社会人生百态的万花筒。

    Through the variation of helpers , Harry Potter series change from an old-fashioned hero adventures into a kaleidoscope reflecting the modern society and vicissitudes of life .

  7. 词典故事表现了人生百态,认为瓷枕工艺的进步推动民俗文化的发展,形意美的统一丰富民俗文化的内涵。

    The conclusion is that the process progress of the procelain pillow promoted the development of folk custom culture , and the unify of shape and significance enriched the connotation of folk custom culture .

  8. 在繁荣时期,这个城市是大资本家,强盗,官员,劳动者,难民及艺术家的聚集地,是一个展现人生百态的大熔炉。

    Home to magnates and gangsters , officials and laborers , refugees and artists , the city was , in its prime , a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the human character .

  9. 饱经忧患,阅尽人生百态,胸有千山万壑的屐痕,有江河湖海的涛声,然而却深思不语,这也是沉默。

    Worries and sufferings , tastes of changes and vicissitudes of the world , footprints left in mountains and valleys and noises of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are all but hidden unrevealed -- that is still silence .

  10. 这乐章是文学自由精神的流露,而韩东也渴望用一支自由的笔来书写他所观察到的、体验到的、想象到的人生命运与世间百态。

    This movement is revealed the freedom spirit of literary , and Han Dong also eagers to use a free pen to write what he has observed , experienced and the imagination to the fate of life and the world .