
shī ɡē jí
  • Poetry anthology;wordbook
  1. 他的诗歌集刚刚出版。

    His collected poems have just been published .

  2. 《华夏集》是艾兹拉·庞德在厄内斯特·费诺罗萨遗稿的基础上,创造性翻译而成的中国古典诗歌集。

    Cathay is a collection of Chinese classical poems creatively translated by Ezra Pound based on the cribs of Ernest Fenollosa .

  3. 选自《新牛津儿童诗歌集》,牛津大学出版社1996年出版,尼尔-菲利浦编辑。

    The New Oxford Book of Children 's Verse , Edited by Neil Philip , published by Oxford University Press , 1996 .

  4. 沃克著作颇丰,现已发表小说七篇,短篇小说集三本,诗歌集六部,论文多篇等。

    She is a versatile writer having published seven novels , three collections of short stories , six poetry volumes and several essays .

  5. 《诗经》不仅是一部周代诗歌集,而且也是一部记录周代社会生活的百科全书。

    The Book of Songs is not only a poetry collection Zhou , but also a record of the Zhou Dynasty social life encyclopedia .

  6. 王燕生小小的灵位前摆放着他的诗歌集,那是他的后人为他急就的,是几本样书。

    In front of his little tablet there were his collections of poetry that was his descendants'hasty arrangement , several copies of sample book .

  7. 那是一本好书:丹麦诗人安勃洛西乌斯·斯图布2的诗歌集,他自然是很值得结识的。

    It was a good book ; verses and songs by the old Danish poet , Ambrosius Stub , which are well worth reading .

  8. 在编辑我的六卷本诗歌集伊始,直至出版后,我想到的第一个评论家就是燎原,因为我相信他对我的长诗的整体把握;

    Since I compiled my six volumes collections of poetry till publishing , I firstly thought of critic Liaoyua , because I believe his overall grasp of my long poem ;

  9. 作为一位多产的作家,她已经出版了十四部诗歌集、五部短篇小说集、三部文学评论和十一部长篇小说。

    As a versatile and prolific writer , she has produced fourteen collections of poems , five collections of short stories , three works of critical essays and eleven novels .

  10. 1999年出版诗歌散文集《一生如鸟》(国际文化出版公司出版)。

    Prose poems published in1999 set " life as a bird "( published by International Cultural Publishing Company ) .

  11. 爱丽丝·沃克是美国最著名的黑人女性小说家之一,她从20世纪70年代开始写作,到目前为止,已经出版了多部小说和几部诗歌及散文集。

    Alice Walker is an outstanding African-American novelist . She begins her writing in the 1970s . Since then , she has produced quite a few novels and several collections of poems and essays .

  12. 她已出版超过十六种诗歌和翻译作品集。

    She has published over sixteen books of poetry and translations .

  13. 本文旨在通过对庞德之译作《华夏集》进行详细的分析,从而论证中国古典诗歌在《华夏集》中的再生。

    The thesis focuses on the afterlife of the classical Chinese poems in Ezra Pound 's Cathay through an elaborated analysis of Pound 's Cathay .