
  1. 梦幻诗是梦文化艺苑中的奇葩异秀。

    Dream poems are a peculiar flower in the garden of dream culture .

  2. 对艾米丽·狄金森超现实死亡诗的梦心理学解读

    A Reading of Emily Dickinson 's Surreal Death Poetry in the Light of Dream Psychology

  3. 诗与梦的演绎&陈少平水彩艺术解读

    Deduction of poem and Dream

  4. 出版过五人诗合集《五彩梦帆》,个人新诗集《酒玫瑰》。

    She has had her poem collection Wine Rose published , and Colorful Sail Boat , a poem collection written by herself and four co-authors .

  5. 在雪域高原腹地,雅鲁藏布江边,派乡犹如藏在深闺的少女,诗一般美丽、梦一样迷人。

    Hinterland of the snowy plateau , the Brahmaputra side , as if the possession of rural school girls in purdah , poetic beauty , charming , like a dream .