
  1. 期间,范成大共创作诗歌九卷,占到其诗歌创作总数的近三分之一,是范成大诗歌创作最为丰富的一个时期。

    During this period , Fan created nine volumes of poetry , accounted for one third of his over all poetry , and it was the most fruitful period for his poetry creation .

  2. 据德国一家印刷厂的老板称,喜欢如厕时看报纸的人以后可不必把报纸带到洗手间了,一种印有小说和诗歌的卫生卷纸即将问世。

    Germans who like to read on the toilet no longer need to take newspapers in with them , but can instead turn to novels and poems printed onto toilet paper , a German publisher has said .

  3. 这些诗歌多数写在卷后,也有夹写在卷子中间,或写在任何空白地方的,书写随便,字迹不工。

    The majority of these poems written in the volumes folder , written in the middle of the examination paper , or write in any blank space to write casually , the writing does not work .