
  1. 几年前,索尔兹伯里勋爵在伦敦拍得了这幅画。

    Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago

  2. 苏珊去伦敦拍广告,于是艾米丽带她四处观光;

    Susan is shooting a commercial in London so Emily offers to show her around ;

  3. 阿威想把伦敦拍下来。

    Avik wants to photograph london .

  4. 据克里斯蒂拍卖行估计,这件救生衣能拍到6万至8万美元。该拍卖行去年曾在伦敦拍出一件“泰坦尼克号”救生衣,当时的拍价为11.9万美元。

    Christie 's , which estimated that the life preserver would sell for $ 60,000 to $ 80,000 , sold another Titanic life jacket last year in London for $ 119,000 .

  5. 鲁伯特和乔治娅的恋情一直很低调,可能是不想跟粉丝分享这一消息,但在昨天他们在伦敦购物被拍到之后,就有了怀孕的传闻。

    Rupert and Georgia keep their relationship extremely private and possibly wouldn 't have shared the news with fans at all , but rumors doing some grocery shopping in London yesterday .

  6. 本周末,这对恋人在伦敦街头被拍到,照片上看起来洪婷兰小腹滚圆,让人不得不猜测她已经怀了休格兰特的孩子。

    The couple were seen out over the weekend in London and in a particular photo , it appeared that Hong had a rounded belly , leading to speculation that she may be pregnant with Grant 's child .

  7. 巴尔康从伦敦一直不断大量拍发电报给西区。

    From London Balcon kept bombarding hitch with telegrgms .