
  • 网络London Metropolitan University;metropolitan;LMU;City University London
  1. 上周,边境管理局剥夺伦敦都市大学(londonmetropolitanuniversity)招收非欧盟学生的权利,原因是该校据称未能妥善监控外国学生。

    The agency was already under heavy scrutiny after last week stripping London Metropolitan University of its right to admit non-EU students because of its alleged failures to monitor foreign students properly .

  2. 昨日伦敦都市大学宣布将对这一决定提起上诉。

    The university announced yesterday that it would challenge the decision .

  3. 很多大学似乎都愿意伸出援手,尽管要安置那些所学课程为伦敦都市大学独有的学生可能并非易事。

    A number seem willing to step forward , although it may be hard to accommodate students enrolled on courses specific to London met .

  4. 剥夺伦敦都市大学招收新留学生的权利,直到该校显示其有能力遵守签证规定,或者对该校在校生的签证进行重新审查,这是一回事。

    It is one thing to strip London Met of its right to bring in new students until it has demonstrated an ability to comply with the regulations , or indeed to review the visas of those students already enrolled .